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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Determination (PASSIVE)
Xin Zhao Passive Ability
Early Game
Do the jungle how fast as you can, to get the devourer, and stack it.
You should have your devourer stacked before 20.
Try then to gank enemies, with your E>W>Q, to slow then, and knock them up and make your cooldowns lower.
You got a lot of sustain from your W.
You can easily tank towers, cause you are healing from them.
You can easily pick up someone with your E.
Strong mid, and late game.
A lot of mixed damage, against tanks, cause its hard to build armor and magic resistance.
Easy ganks
Can be easily bursted by enemies
You have no escape
You must stay in jungle
You can get counter jungled
When you die in early game, you are weak in mid and late game
No hard CC
You got a lot of sustain from your W.
You can easily tank towers, cause you are healing from them.
You can easily pick up someone with your E.
Strong mid, and late game.
A lot of mixed damage, against tanks, cause its hard to build armor and magic resistance.
Easy ganks
Can be easily bursted by enemies
You have no escape
You must stay in jungle
You can get counter jungled
When you die in early game, you are weak in mid and late game
No hard CC
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