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Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
My name is Hotrod08(NA), and I am a Diamond IV Support player coming out of Season 7. Janna (along with Soraka) are the two support that I played in order to get me from Silver II to Platinum V for the first time (and no, I played them starting in April 2017, way before Ardent was the craze).
Janna was the very first Support champion I played in Season 7 on my climb from Silver to Diamond, and she was awesome to play with. I don't play her anywhere near as often anymore, but I do still have fun with her from time to time and she will always have a place in my champion pool.
I have also made a YouTube video going over the choice of runes, as well as some game play with it. If you enjoy the video, I would absolutely appreciate any subscriptions to my channel. If you you have any questions you would like answered, either ask here or on the comments in the video and I will do my best to reply to it fast!
YouTube Profile Link: Hotrod08
Subscribe Link: Thank You Very Much!
Video Link: JANNA RUNES SEASON 8 (7.23) | SupportCraft
YouTube Profile Link: Hotrod08
Subscribe Link: Thank You Very Much!
Video Link: JANNA RUNES SEASON 8 (7.23) | SupportCraft
Our goal with this build is to provide Janna strong Healing and Shielding capabilities, add extra movement speed to her kit, and a high CDR. We will be providing Janna with her Healing and Shielding power with her core items (Redemption/Locket/Ardent).
For her high movement speed, you will have Celerity as well as Janna's W passive to make her move around fast. Once you get your free boots, upgrade them as soon as you can to max your movement speed.
Your CDR will be maxed out to 45% by Redemption, Ardent, Boots of Lucidity, and Eye of the Oasis (as well as the rune Cosmic Insight).
For her high movement speed, you will have Celerity as well as Janna's W passive to make her move around fast. Once you get your free boots, upgrade them as soon as you can to max your movement speed.
Your CDR will be maxed out to 45% by Redemption, Ardent, Boots of Lucidity, and Eye of the Oasis (as well as the rune Cosmic Insight).
Primary Path: Sorcery
-Summon Aery: Adds extra shielding to allies that you heal or shield, as well as extra poke when you do damage to enemies.
-Manaflow Band: Allows Janna to spam her abilities more in lane (more shields and more poke)
-Transcendence: Provides Janna with 10% CDR once you hit Lv. 10. Can also go Celerity for the extra movement speed, up to personal preference.
-Gathering Storm: Makes Janna's Healing and Shielding more powerful as the game goes on. If you'd like, Scorch or Waterwalking can also be chosen here. Pick at your playstyle and your discretion.
Secondary Path: Inspiration
-Magical Footwear: Provides free boots @10m +10 extra movement speed when received.
-Cosmic Insights: Provides 5% CDR all around and increases max CD to 45%.
-Summon Aery: Adds extra shielding to allies that you heal or shield, as well as extra poke when you do damage to enemies.
-Manaflow Band: Allows Janna to spam her abilities more in lane (more shields and more poke)
-Transcendence: Provides Janna with 10% CDR once you hit Lv. 10. Can also go Celerity for the extra movement speed, up to personal preference.
-Gathering Storm: Makes Janna's Healing and Shielding more powerful as the game goes on. If you'd like, Scorch or Waterwalking can also be chosen here. Pick at your playstyle and your discretion.
Secondary Path: Inspiration
-Magical Footwear: Provides free boots @10m +10 extra movement speed when received.
-Cosmic Insights: Provides 5% CDR all around and increases max CD to 45%.
Starter Items:
-Start off with Ancient Coin, your 3 Health Pots and your Trinket.
First Backs:
-Upgrade your coin into Nomad's Medallion for the extra money income and get a Sightstone and a control ward to get better vision.
Core Build:
-Redemption: Great teamfight healing effect, also makes your regular Healing abilities stronger.
-Locket of the Iron Solari: Makes you durable, less likely to die, as well as a good teamfight shielding active.
-Ardent Senser: Gives nice attack speed and damage to your carries and your bruisers. The AP and the 10% healing/shielding modifier also makes your Shields/Heals stronger as well.
Situational After Core:
-Mikael's Crucible: If the enemy team has heavy CC. Also makes your Healing/Shielding stronger and you more durable with MR.
-Banner of Command: Provides durability (strongly against AD) and makes tower pushes easier for your team.
-Zhonya's Hourglass: Provides armor and a stasis effect that can keep you alive longer in teamfights.
-Start off with Ancient Coin, your 3 Health Pots and your Trinket.
First Backs:
-Upgrade your coin into Nomad's Medallion for the extra money income and get a Sightstone and a control ward to get better vision.
Core Build:
-Redemption: Great teamfight healing effect, also makes your regular Healing abilities stronger.
-Locket of the Iron Solari: Makes you durable, less likely to die, as well as a good teamfight shielding active.
-Ardent Senser: Gives nice attack speed and damage to your carries and your bruisers. The AP and the 10% healing/shielding modifier also makes your Shields/Heals stronger as well.
Situational After Core:
-Mikael's Crucible: If the enemy team has heavy CC. Also makes your Healing/Shielding stronger and you more durable with MR.
-Banner of Command: Provides durability (strongly against AD) and makes tower pushes easier for your team.
-Zhonya's Hourglass: Provides armor and a stasis effect that can keep you alive longer in teamfights.
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