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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Bard is one of the best Lulu counter cause of his really strong damages on early game. He has control, poke, disengages, heals. The most important threat from him is your placement on lane and your vision , take care of his jungler
This build is rigid, but very strong for teamwork and turnaround. Focus your carrys to protect and your engagers to open. Roam when you can between 12mn-20mn to feed your midlaner and/or jungler but never forget your ADC, he is your priority. Do not hesitate to die for your carrys if their actions are not suicide
Your lategame will be heavy AP, max CDR, lots of CC, good sustain.
The principals statistics with only core build are : (40% CDR; 300 AP; 416 movespeed, 14,8/s manaregen, 2200+ HP ... at 40mn)
Your best drake is AquaDrake, which permits your more actions before back to your base, ask to your team to do it when you can
Personnal tip : Lulu is really manavorous. I advise you to always keep a minimum of 30% mana max to be efficient on enemy ganks or bad trades. The Q and the R are the most expensives
The Passive :
Pix is your passive, this is a magical spirit. Pix follow Lulu with ~1s delay.
If Pix follow someone (by default Lulu), he will attack the same target with 3 magicals shots each auto-attack (magical ratio). The first shot is the most powerful, the second less and the third even less. These shots can be intercepted by any neutral or enemy target on the way (creeps, summoned pets, zyra's plants, actived shaco's boxes etc.. too)
Pix can be moved on a target, ally or enemy with E-spell (see you lower). On a ally, he shots with him (very good with Attack Speed ADC). On an enemy, he shots with Lulu if in range !
Q-Spell :
The Q spell is a doubled magical Skillshot from Lulu AND Pix, anywhere he is. It does significants damages early game and apply a very good slow on the target. This slow decreases linearly over 2s. An enemy can we wounded only by 1 shot
W Spell :
This is the first spell to has double-spell mechanic. On an ally, it increases (magical ratio) his movespeed and his attack speed (no ratio). This buff last 4 seconds.
On an enemy, it polymorphs him during (0.5-2.25)seconds. This polymorph decrease his movespeed (static number, not percentage) and prohibes to him to cast spells or auto-attack, he can always moves. This is one of the best CC and one of the most hated
E Spell :
E Spell is the second spell to has double mechanic. On an allie, it places pix on him. Pix gives a shield (magical ratio) and follow the ally, attacking with him the same target during 6 seconds
On an enemy, it places pix on him. It does damages (magical ratio) and gives view of the target for 4 seconds
Pix can cast Q spell anywhere he is !
R Spell, Ulti :
Ulti can be casted only on an ally. It increases size and hitbox, gives more HitPoints MAXIMUM (considered as a heal) and an AoE of Slow around the champion. When casted, all enemys champions in this AoE will be bumped for 0.5s + precedents effects, very good to disengage or control. This ulti lasts 6 seconds. At the end, the ally keep all supplementary HP he gets according to his maximum limit without R
Start with your jungler and Adc on the buff next to your lane. Let your jungler take the first hit from buff, after put your shield (jungler has regen)
On laning phase, he E will permits you to poke without miss, you do less damage but you place pix to maximise you auto attack passive, you can shield if a problem occurs. Rush lvl 2 and comeback combo E-Q-aa. After, take care of the enemy jungler
The E is maxed first to protect all your carrys as many as possible. Next Spell maxed is W, not Q, because polymorph is one of the best CC if well used and on allies, it buffs your jungler to roam/engage, it does the same on adc to chase your target and take them down, same of AP carry which can adjust his skillshots. One more use is to escape from a big threat quickly
The Q is the last be maxed. Use it as a CC, rarely as a poke. The Q is really manacost and you can miss
Upgrade your ulti (R) time you can (level 6, 11, 16), this is a priority !
The blue support item is the most frequent. It gives you AP to begin the game, more poke and good reward for your pokes, but it makes you take risks to perform the quest. The upgrade full cost a lot of golds for the stats, so do it after your 2 first items (Ardent or redemption + upgraded boots)
If you have an Attack Speed ADC, the ardent is the best first item. The best ADC AS for Lulu is Jinx which will stacks quickly on these buffs, can crush the first tower as soon as possible and destroy a 2v3
If you have a Caster like Ezreal, Redemption will be the best first item. Ezreal don't need so many AS, it needs movespeed, sustain and poke to assist him. Your Redemption gives you a lot of regen mana to supply your casting pool over the time and the active permits him some dives or risky actions !
Combo Ardent + Redemption is the must-have on Lulu however the game is going on. With active of Redemption, you put a healing AoE of Attack Speed buff. Aim good and all the team will get 10-30%% attack speed for 8s + really good heal + gross damage
Once your 4 items done (Boots, Support, Ardent, Redemption) you will go on a Banshee's veil. Normally you can't finish it. Your team has snowball so you win, or the opposite. But if the game continue, The Banshee will give you the Last Man Standing spower. Lulu is very weak vs the CC, if a team plays good, they will try to distrate you or kill you before attack your team. Stay on Backlane and keep your Banshee to avoid a big problem
5 items finished, the Core Build is done. Now you can choose what your want to adapt for the very late game. Personnally i choose Rabadon to boost a lot the E, the W on allies and R, but vs assassins team or tanks team, this is not good. A Guardian Angel permits you to comeback if a big problem happened. Tornmail gives time before takedown and vs AP, Abyssal mask boost your team's damage
Don't forget to adapt your stuff on the enemy team ! What does killed you last time ? What do you need ?
Excellent synergies
Very good synergies
Good synergie
ADC Botlane
Lulu is a really good support with ADC who stack attack speed. Kog'Maw is the best but the most vulnerable.
Jinx, Xayah, Tristana, Twitch, Vayne are more safe thanks to their control/escape/invisibiity !
She synergies with ranged/burst too, particulary with ADC who need speed :
Kaï'Sa, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Caytlin, Draven, Ezreal, Sivir are very good with her !
Ashe, Kalista, Varus, Jhin are choosed to have more control to kill, useful vs team without escape or CC disband, heal etc...
For Midlaners, the best is an assassin which needs hard engage close combat :
Fizz, Talon, LeBlanc, Ekko, Diana, Akali, Kassadin, Katarina, Zed
If your teammate prefers a mage, Heavy burst/assassination-combo like
Elise, Kayle, Vel'Koz, Azir, Zoe, Cassiopea, Morgana, Taliyah, Lux, Lissandra etc.. which needs movespeed or attack speed is really good
Junglers & Toplaners
For jungler and toplaner, you need minimum 1 engager Tank. If you don't have, you need 2 bruisers-fighters with hard engages. You do need a tank if possibles. No engagers champions with Lulu is punished ! You can always improvise, it is called "D plan"
Junglers who stack on mobility particulary are very good, we can quote
Rengar (best synergie jungler-Lulu), Shyvana, Jarvan 4, Sejuani, Olaf, Master Yi, Jax, Pantheon, Xin Xao, Maokaï
With toplaners, you will be strong with engage tanks or resistants bruisers with engages. If they have a big burst, carry them :
Nasus, Tryndamere, Jarvan 4, Wukong, Gnar, Darius, Leona, Kennen, Yorick, Vladimir, Swain, Singed, Poppy, Mordekaiser
All your counters are your best synergies. Watch to the upside synergie, it shows the potential threat of champions vs Lulu. This list is not exhaustive.
Try to think about the level of synergie can Lulu has with an oppenent. Better is the synergie, better is the counter. For the supports, all of them with heals, heavy CC or consequent poke are problematics.Lulu is the best support to keep your mates alive but it is really hard at the beginning of training to choose between the double effects of speel. Lulu need an experimented Summoner to be efficient and she's rarely mastered at 100%.
Lulu is a heavy CC - Sustain Support which can snowball your team more than others supports, but she's really dependent of her teammates and there actions. All these spells are brained to be useful on assistance, and on everybody. They are planned to increase the personnal potential during a short time.
No potential = no good actions because 0 x 120.000 = 0
Your carrys need more attention than others (AP and AD carry), keep an eye on them.
However your jungler and your toplaner will need help quickly to get an advantage on their opposant, but once it is done, give them some buffs to roam and engage, it do the work better than everything. Don't be shy and use your R to boost more their engages, it does an AoE of slow effect + give HP.max for 6s !
Your first task before don't loose the game like an idiot (watch to the situation) is warding. You are MasterChief or sightline, buy RedWards etc...
Early game can be so passive, or really destroying !
If u have the advantage on your opposants, poke them, make them use their mana, counter their trades.
If u don't have advantage, play passive, wait your jungler or errors from them. Lulu is really squishy on early and you have to peel your adc. Do chaotics moves to stay unpredictable !
On teamfights, stay on backlane, avoid to go on frontlane if it's useless (no CC to place, nobody to boost etc...). You are a stick which waits to be broken, don't give them opportunities. If Lulu die, your team is in danger !
Never be alone ! The only situation you can be alone is to unpush a lane or farm a little. All your moves are with a teammate minimum. Go where the team needs you, assist as you can your team. As i said at the beginning, Lulu is a teambooster. No team = No booster
You need your team, but your team needs you, it's a fact. A Bad position or takedown and the effect on your team can be chaotic. Ask to the team some protection if you need it. Always try to stay alive, Even with the last teammate you can win, this is the power of the Angleic Guardian !
However if you need some gold to finish some items, do it quickly and roam immediatly after, you can farm but it's not a priority !
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