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Recommended Items
Runes: Default Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Default Summoners
Champion Build Guide
Why build tank?
1. Senna's self-healing makes her almost have a built-in warmog.
2. Items in this build are cheaper than items of other Senna builds.
3. Someone jumping on you isn't a instakill.
4. Taking more time to kill you allows you to constantly heal allies and yourself making you a bigger threat than someone who deals decent damage and heals but is extremely squishy.
5. Senna's second auto deals %current health damage also her passive giving free AD allows her to do some damage without having built any.(It's nothing incredible though)
2. Items in this build are cheaper than items of other Senna builds.
3. Someone jumping on you isn't a instakill.
4. Taking more time to kill you allows you to constantly heal allies and yourself making you a bigger threat than someone who deals decent damage and heals but is extremely squishy.
5. Senna's second auto deals %current health damage also her passive giving free AD allows her to do some damage without having built any.(It's nothing incredible though)
Why not build lethality?
It's pretty simple, because lethality senna can't do much when a assassin or anything similar rushes her ADC down or even rusher her down when a kha'zix for example appears and jumps her ADC a very likely scenario in that situation is a kill on 1 and him escaping or getting a double on Senna and her ADC, when you build tanky support your options against dire situations increase against the same kha you could use knight's vow armor to survive a kha combo and use the damage mitigation alongside redemption and other useful actives to increase your ADC's survival rate.
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