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Vayne Build Guide by FaceLikeAStreamer



Updated on June 1, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FaceLikeAStreamer Build Guide By FaceLikeAStreamer 12,862 Views 0 Comments
12,862 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FaceLikeAStreamer Vayne Build Guide By FaceLikeAStreamer Updated on June 1, 2021
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Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Gathering Storm


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


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Pros / Cons


- Low Range (in comparison
- No spell damage (burst)
- short range "dash"
- no way to get over walls (except flash)
- weak laning phase
- only auto attack based
- high skill cap


- Auto attack reset with Tumble (Q)
- True damage with Silver Bolts (W)- non-scaling
- One of the few ADCs with a Stun on Condemn (E)
- low coldown Tumble (Q) - 2 seconds without cdr
- good itemization for lane(Blade of the Ruined King - Lifesteal,Damage,Attackspeed,active
- 1 second invis on 2 second cd
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Early game/Laning

Ur laning phase and early skirmish power as vayne is pretty weak. The best thing u can profit of is catching someone offguard and and stun him. In laning phase u should just poke/trade if u know u outdamage/outsustain ur enemy (i.e. u have soraka and poke the enemy Miss Fortune -> she wins the basic auto trade but long terms u win because of Soraka - But if enemy all ins u, u are in some trouble -> think if its worth to trade or not or if it's maybe even better to all in. Most likely u will just try to farm in lane and wait for ganks or good opportunities. Ur aim is not to feed and somehow stay even with the enemy adc. It doesn't matter if u fall back some cs. Don't risk dying just to get every cs.
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Mid Game

Mid game starts when u leave ur lane on bot. This shouldn't happen early because u try to delay the laning as long as possible, unless u feed ur *** off and just give free money and dont get farm anyways. Don't be the adc that split pushes while ur team is getting sieged in mid lane -> leave the top laner or mid laner in a side lane if they are assasins. Only go on sidelanes if its safe. If u die it's 100% ur fault because u can't clan ur support for not warding since u know there are no wards and should be aware of this. Try to get bot waves to etiher slow push and make plays on the other side of the map or u push them hard and let the wave bounce back to u. U have aboout 3 minutes time window.
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Late game/positioning

Stay back u can mostly focus anything u want since u deal massive damage to tanks and squishy targets. U should be careful with lockdown spell such as Vi ult and with strong assasins try to avoid them and let them go deep into the backline to reach u. Be careful with. Try to stick to ur Team. Don't be that idiot that split pushes as adc. YES u can 1v1 many enemys but why would u risk it getting caught and dying if u can just stomp the enemies in a 5v5 teamfight and just win?!?
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FaceLikeAStreamer
FaceLikeAStreamer Vayne Guide
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