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Starting up
To lane as this Nidalee build, you drop a trap on yourself so if your opponent jumps in or walks up, they have to go on the trap. Abuse your range, and throw auto attacks and q's, along with your residual trap damage for maximum harass and trading. Keep traps in river bush and tri bush so you don't get ganked. Stay in Human form when you are going for CS, cougar form when you are trying to push lane heavily.
Alternate between peeling and going for High Priority Targets(HIV's, yeah funny haha) if the HIV walks up too far. You do tons of burst, but still retain utility and some CC. If you are the only tank then I would say peel for your ADC, rotating from your Cougar chain to a heal and trap spear combo on someone, then go back to Cougar and rinse and repeat.
You are weak early game, and someone like Renekton or Riven who is a huge lane bully with sustain and no mana is going to wreck you until atleast six, I would recommend sitting back and farming. If you are against someone like Jayce with high poke and high disengage, sit back and farm. If he initates on your, drop a trap, pear to the dome, heal, cougar form beat down.
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