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Thresh Build Guide by Princess Ri

AD Thresh- Literal one shots!

AD Thresh- Literal one shots!

Updated on January 11, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Princess Ri Build Guide By Princess Ri 25,943 Views 0 Comments
25,943 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Princess Ri Thresh Build Guide By Princess Ri Updated on January 11, 2018
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Please note this is a guide for those wishing to try off meta builds. I do not advise playing this in ranked. These builds have been tried and tested by myself and/or my group (NOOBN).

This is for a support Thresh build. I love playing this build as it can easily get your ADC ahead and if your ADC isn't exactly challenger then you can carry the game. The best ting about this build is how you can one shot Zoe ;). That noob champ ults in to hit you and BAM she is gone. Try it out it is very fun!

If anyone does try this build please send me the results!

Early game you can get your ADC and other laners very fed and late game you can one shot. What more do you want from a champion!
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Pros / Cons

    One shots!
    Can carry hard
    Low skill
    Tanky late game
    Can be slightly squishy early game
    Can accidently KS which can cause temper tantrum from kids
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How to play

Early game you have to play as aggro as possible. If your ADC is passive (like they are in low elo) then you may have to sit back and just hook when you can and they usually follow that.

Mid game I like to roam and get other lanes ahead. If your ADC is good they can stay bot and usually snowball or join you, however if they are not so good you may have to stay and help them a bit more.

Late game you have to try peel for you ADC. If they are passive and not in team fights try to do as much damage as you can while tanking. This is where you really have to carry!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Princess Ri
Princess Ri Thresh Guide
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AD Thresh- Literal one shots!

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