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Recommended Items
Runes: fleet footwork works wonders
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
pick whatever, sup usually goes ignite or exhaust anyways
Ability Order just max E first
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Just use Q and you're safe, but if you're without your sup this guy could mess you up with the help of its ADC
Every time I get him as my sup I win. Broken sup
Every time I get him as my sup I win. Broken sup
Champion Build Guide
Beast - Long story
Ok, so i dont exactly have alot of games playied with this, but teemo adc is just beast rn. Every game, no matter if i get fed early or feed the enemy team, ill go beast mode late game and just easily demolish everyone. The q ability is amazing on botlane rn, as you just negate the other adc entirely most of the time yall fight. Your q also very useful in teamfights as you can just disable an enemy champion of your choosing. I sometimes throw mushrooms in the middle of fights for aoe dmg, but mushrooms are amazing for vision and just disabling the enemy jungler too. Farming is easy since you can bully most enemy botlaners and dont have to fear ganks.
Your support is very important with this build, since your dmg early isnt very beast, but i mean its yeah ofc your support is important i guess.
Your support is very important with this build, since your dmg early isnt very beast, but i mean its yeah ofc your support is important i guess.
Long story short
Scale late game no matter what, use Q to win lane and all fights, mushrooms = never get ganked and vision + if good/lucky with them, never get chased down.
Support dmg is important, they might outshine you if they steal all your kills.
Support dmg is important, they might outshine you if they steal all your kills.
Play like an autoattack champ kinda, kinda like AP twitch...
Stack poison and kite (where attack speed and movement speed come in)
Throw mushrooms all around the map for vision and to deny ganks.
EARLY GAME i just focus farming to go beast faster, but dont forget to poke too, pay attention to what your support is doing and you can easily kill the enemy botlaners, since noone can really predict your dmg and your Q can just, yknow. Attack speed comes in very handy here.
MID GAME just throw mushrooms everywhere and wait for your dmg to ramp up, at this point the enemy botlaners are playing safe since they have come to understand what beast they are up against and yeah get the bread.
LATE GAME this is where you shine, your dmg is gonna be massive, youre gonna be an agile little rat and youre gonna be incredinly annoying to deal with. Even if they all in on you, you can just Q the dmg dealer and slowly poison everyone to death who comes for you.
Youre a little speedy ranged champ invisible gremlin creature, so be wary of being too close to enemies, use mushrooms to get away from people and dont underastimate your own dmg.
PS: dont forget to use your passive, you can just stand still before going in for the extra attack speed and use bushes to win fights.
Stack poison and kite (where attack speed and movement speed come in)
Throw mushrooms all around the map for vision and to deny ganks.
EARLY GAME i just focus farming to go beast faster, but dont forget to poke too, pay attention to what your support is doing and you can easily kill the enemy botlaners, since noone can really predict your dmg and your Q can just, yknow. Attack speed comes in very handy here.
MID GAME just throw mushrooms everywhere and wait for your dmg to ramp up, at this point the enemy botlaners are playing safe since they have come to understand what beast they are up against and yeah get the bread.
LATE GAME this is where you shine, your dmg is gonna be massive, youre gonna be an agile little rat and youre gonna be incredinly annoying to deal with. Even if they all in on you, you can just Q the dmg dealer and slowly poison everyone to death who comes for you.
Youre a little speedy ranged champ invisible gremlin creature, so be wary of being too close to enemies, use mushrooms to get away from people and dont underastimate your own dmg.
PS: dont forget to use your passive, you can just stand still before going in for the extra attack speed and use bushes to win fights.
Item and rune explanation
Ok, so as i mentioned before, i havent tried any other runes, but i feel like theres no need to. FLEET FOOTWORK is just beast, it gives you some sustain, movement speed and a little extra dmg on autos. Its incredibly useful in lane and like, always.
Most things on main rune page are very basic, goup de grace to assassinate low hp people and other things give attack speed
Ludens is my fav because i like speed, but again, just build whatever you'd prefer and also take matchups into account.
Yellow boots are better early i feel like, and people NEVER build magic resist because of YOU. Also easier to kite and still do dmg with more attack speed.
Purple boots for tankier enemies ofc..
Nashors gives attack speed and ap and the other stuff it does.. so ofc we definetly want it, no explination needed.
Rabadons for ap
Most things on main rune page are very basic, goup de grace to assassinate low hp people and other things give attack speed
Ludens is my fav because i like speed, but again, just build whatever you'd prefer and also take matchups into account.
Yellow boots are better early i feel like, and people NEVER build magic resist because of YOU. Also easier to kite and still do dmg with more attack speed.
Purple boots for tankier enemies ofc..
Nashors gives attack speed and ap and the other stuff it does.. so ofc we definetly want it, no explination needed.
Rabadons for ap
but why?
For funsies, it might suck in reality.. i mightve picked the worst runes or the worst items for this, but i really have fun playing with this and i do dominate ALL GAMES
also dont take this guide 100% seriously, i really am not that knowledgeable about this game, did this just for fun (still beast tho)
also dont take this guide 100% seriously, i really am not that knowledgeable about this game, did this just for fun (still beast tho)
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