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I still dont know how Aphelios works. This insane champ can be really hard to deal with. He is not mobile though so if you catch him, he is good as dead. Get Morelo asap.
xD. Ashe is to easy to deal with. She is very inmobile and very squishy, though her poke is annoying. If you catch her, you will blow her up.
Bard can be annoying. He has solid ult, and good damage. He struggles into you, since you can easily kill him. Watchout for portal ganks tho.
Depends really on the player. A good Blitz will make your lane hell. However your plants CAN block is hook, and thats good sign. He is pretty tanky, so focus the adc. DONT GET HOOKED.
He is similar to you, an AP mage, with CC. His poke is pain, but if you catch him, you will kill him easily. Dont poked, play with mind.
Braum is really pain in the ass. His shield is the main problem. He can block your full combo. I suggest banning him or pick something else. If you pick Zyra, try to get a jungle help.
Caitlyn is pretty ok. She has high damage, and range. Watch out for traps. If you catch her, you will blow her up.
Ezreal is pretty hard. He has poke, good damage, and mobility. Try to poke him, and bait his E. If you do that, you should be able to kill this boy.
xD. This babe has no match for you, just dont get knocked up by her Q. If you catch her, she will easily die. Easy matchup.
Jhin is pretty insane now. HIGH damge and pretty mobile. Since he has no dash, catching him should be easy. Try to get a hard CC support to shut him down for good.
Jinx is easy. She has no mobility and weak early game. Dodge her W and traps, catch her and kill her. Beware her late game, where she is pretty damn insane.
Kaisa can be tricky. She has stealth, mobility, GIANT ASS SHIELD and damage. If you catch her you should blow her up. Dont get hit by her W.
Kalista is hard. She is mobile, and her ult is very good into you. Try to get a HARD CC support to shut her down.
Personally I dont like Karma. She has damage, shield, heal and can be tanky. Dont get poked, play with mind.
Kog is no problem for you. He lacks mobility and has weak early game. Should be easy. Beware his late game.
Leona is really hard to face. She has multiple tools to make your lane living hell. She can CC you for eternity and she is really tanky. Play really save, and try to catch enemy ADC.
Depends on the player. If Lucian is good, he will be hard to deal with, since he has a dash and good damage. Try to catch him off guard and kill him.
Lulu is just pain. Her shield, polymorph and R can neglect lot of your damage. She is pretty squishy, so catching her/killing her shouldnt be a problem.
Simple. If you get hit by her Q+E+R combo you will die. If you catch her first, she will die.
Miss Fortune
Pretty good for you. Miss lacks mobility, but she has good damage, dont get poked, Try to catch her and kill her.
Morgana is ok for you suprisingly. If you are new to Zyra, your plants can block her Q, which is really good. Morgs spell shield can block your E and R cc so watchout. Otherwise, it should be fine.
Really easy. Nami is a good peel support, but lacks tankiness. Dont get hit by her Q and R. Otherwise you should blow her up. Get morelo ASAP.
ONLY PAIN. This armored asshole is cancer as hell. He is insanely tanky, and has hard CC. I suggest banning him, or try to get jungle help.
Pantheon is really strong, His shield is the main problem here. He can block a lot of your damage and stun you/kill you easily. Play with mind, be careful.
Pyke is hard matchup, his damage, hook and invis is too much for Zyra. He is very squishy though, so if you catch him you should kill him. Dont get HOOKED.
Rakan is hard. His mobility, peel, and shields are very good. Catching him is hard. Try to focus the enemy ADC first. Get Morelo asap
Rell can be hard, but when is dismounted, she is REALLY slow. Try to catch her when dismounted and kill her. Se is tanky though so watchout.
This really depends on the player. If Samira is good, she will ninja style you to death, with million dashes and broken damage. Try to get a hard cc support to shut her down. Get morelo asap.
Senna is annoying. High range, damage and healing. Try to dodge her spell and catch her with yours. She is squishy so she will die!
Seraphine is very annoying, her damage and healing can be insane. Try to catch her, since she is squishy.
This man is very good into you, YOU CANT BURST HIM. HIS GIANT ASS SHIELD AND TRUE DAMAGE WILL REALLY HURT. Focus the enemy adc.
Sivir is annoying. Her shield is the problem. Her poke is really good too. FIght her, when she has no shield, and you will be able to nuke her.
XD. She is to squishy its unreal. Dont get poked and watchout for her R. She will die very easily.
Even that she is very squishy and you will burst her easily. Her healing is very good, get morelo asap. In fights focus her.
Taric is strong, He is tanky, and has damage with CC. Dont focus him, dodge his spells. Try to focus enemy adc.
Depends on the player. If Thresh is good, its gonna hurt. Dont get hooked, and try to burst him ( he is not a best tank).
I HATE TWITCH. INVISIBILITY IS REALLY ANNOYING. He has high damage, if he has a good peel, you will struggle. Play safe, get a hard CC support. Get a jungle help.
Varus is ok, he has poke and good R so watchout. If you catcher, he has no escape and you should kill him easily.
I REALLY HATE VAYNE. You can shut her down early game, but she will comeback late game, as a fucking monster. She is mobile and has true damage. I suggest banning her.
Ok.. if you can doge his million pokes, you should be fine, your plants can block some too. If you catch him, he is dead.
Xayah can be difficult, but if you manage to bait her R and poke her correctly, she will die pretty easily. Watchout for feathers.
Xerath can be hard, his poke and damage is really good. Dodge his spells, catch him, kill him. Win.
Fuck this guy. His windwall is really a problem for you, since it blocks a lot of your damage and your E. He scales well and if you dont shut him, he will be a problem. He is squishy though so you should be able to kill him easily.
Its really depends and adc she has with her. You really cant focus her, you must kill the adc first, which can be a problem. If she is dumb and come out, you must catch her and kill her.
You really cant kill a Zyra ADC. Riot pls nerf.
Blitz is good with you. If he can hook, you can blow enemy botlane easily.
Braum is great. His shield will blocks a lot of damage, and he is tanky. A good support.
Leona is really one the best for you. She has good engage and she is REALLY tanky. Leona with Zyra is very good.
This is really fun. Seraphine has healing, damage and shielding. GO OUT AND NUKE THEM ALL!
This one is good too, if Pyke is good, he can really help you to get ahead. Fine support.
Blitz is good with you. If he can hook, you can blow enemy botlane easily.
Braum is great. His shield will blocks a lot of damage, and he is tanky. A good support.
Leona is really one the best for you. She has good engage and she is REALLY tanky. Leona with Zyra is very good.
This is really fun. Seraphine has healing, damage and shielding. GO OUT AND NUKE THEM ALL!
This one is good too, if Pyke is good, he can really help you to get ahead. Fine support.
W***up boys. My name is Tifforma, I am a plat douchebag player, who pretty much only plays Zyra everywhere, except jungle. I play Zyra for 2 years and got 410k mastery. Zyra is pretty fun, and I love playing her. She can play every role, I will try her in the jungle soon.
Yes, ADC Zyra is good. Its a little tricky but if you want to nuke crying enemy ADCs this is the right guide for you. If you try to learn Zyra, play her mid or support. If you will like her, try her ADC.
Zyra doesnt really get a respect as a champion but she should have one. She can carry, her damage can be insane, and she is not diffucult to learn.
Its all about your plants and your E. Your plants can block enemy spells, and will fight for you, if you will hit your CC abilities, you will do disgusting damage.
But, since they are, broken *** champions out there these days, its getting pretty hard to play Zyra, since she only has damage and CC. Thats it.
But if you love to experiment and try out new stuff, if you are not a meta slave, Zyra ADC is pretty ****ing awesome and I love it.
There really not mechanics really, just hit your spells, stick around your plants, and dont do stupid ****. Talk to your team, get a good support for your composition and against the enemy team and you will be fine.
Look for matchups, your 2 builds and runes I wroted here and I guarantee you, you will become a Zyra master. Good luck fellas!
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