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Tristana Build Guide by MysteryDragon



Updated on November 11, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MysteryDragon Build Guide By MysteryDragon 2,487 Views 0 Comments
2,487 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MysteryDragon Tristana Build Guide By MysteryDragon Updated on November 11, 2014
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When you're csing, check the amount of damage you do on a full health minion, then use that on lesser health minions. Let the minions get as low as possible before you attack, but be careful not to let them die to your own minions. Check to see if your support has Relic Shield. If they do, remember to let them take cs. Make sure you pay attention to what your support is doing. If they initiate and you're csing and don't follow up, they'll be pretty butthurt. Your priority in the minion wave should be the cannon minion. Don't miss it. Make sure you move around. Avoid sitting still while enemies are near as it makes it easier for them to hit you with skillshots. Avoid facechecking bushes. Get your support to do it or have them ward. Try to keep all areas nearby visible during a fight. Try not to misclick into the enemy. ADC is all about positioning. Stay behind your team until the enemies can be peeled. Dodge skillshots and spells from the adc and support. You want to deal more damage to them than they do to you. As Tristana, you have long range later on. Use it to poke enemies down that have lower range than you. Tristana's W is good for escapes or chases, but be careful because even though the animation puts her in the air, shes actually just sliding along the ground and can be easily knocked out of the jump. Try to use E while you're autoattacking. When you ult, try to land an E right before the ult and an autoattack right after for max damage. If you Q, W towards the low health enemy, E, R, autoattack, you should be able to get a kill. If it puts you in a bad spot, W out of danger- it goes off cooldown if you get the kill or assist. Use Q when attacking turrets and W out if its dangerous. Tristana is a strong carry because she can destroy turrets in seconds and escape. You can also use tristana's ult like a lee sin kick by jumping over the enemy and ulting him into your team or your turret. This is more dangerous though.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MysteryDragon
MysteryDragon Tristana Guide
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