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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Triumphant Roar (PASSIVE)
Alistar Passive Ability
Alistar is at the moment one of the strongest Champions in League of Legends.
Whether or not as an Suppoter at bot or an Ap burster at mid or top Alistar shines out.
Why is Alistar so strong?
-Amazing CC
-Lot's of damage even without Ap items
-Strong ultimate
-Good passive for farming and extra damage
This Guide is focused on Ap and Support Alistar and also shows you the builds for full Tank and Ad Alistar. Even if i dont recommend these last 2 Builds they are fun. But please dont play them in Ranked games!!!
For Runes i prefer the ones wich i showed above.
Runes are depending on your own playstyle so you can build more offensive or more defensive.
For Support Alistar armorpenetration is very strong for early harassing.
Also good are Offtank Runes like armor, magicpen or more health.
Just think about your playstyle and choose your own Runes.
Runes are depending on your own playstyle so you can build more offensive or more defensive.
For Support Alistar armorpenetration is very strong for early harassing.
Also good are Offtank Runes like armor, magicpen or more health.
Just think about your playstyle and choose your own Runes.
Whats good on Alistar:
Whats Ok on Alistar:
Whats bad:
There is no real order to buy your items. You buy what you need is the main rule.
You should buy a dorans first for mana reg and ap.
If you can stay long on the lane buy an Needlessly Large Rod.
If you don't farm good buy boots and then Sheen. Finish Rabadon's before lichbaneLichbane.
Actual its not important wich items you buy. Buy aura items and lot's of wards.
You can start with diffrent items but good for you and your Carry is an Mana Manipulator. Try to get all money/sec items but dont forget wards. Important items are Sight Ward.
Also an early Oracles can bring your team an great advantage.
Ap Alistar:
You should buy a dorans first for mana reg and ap.
If you can stay long on the lane buy an Needlessly Large Rod.
If you don't farm good buy boots and then Sheen. Finish Rabadon's before lichbaneLichbane.
Support Alistar:
Actual its not important wich items you buy. Buy aura items and lot's of wards.
You can start with diffrent items but good for you and your Carry is an Mana Manipulator. Try to get all money/sec items but dont forget wards. Important items are Sight Ward.
Also an early Oracles can bring your team an great advantage.
Q Combo is one of most important things you should work with while playing Alistar. cast
Q instant after
W to throw the enemy in the air at his position.
Cast W after Q to throw the squishy enemy into your group.
You can autoattack once while Headbutting.
Just try this a little bit its not very hard.
Cast W after Q to throw the squishy enemy into your group.
You can autoattack once while Headbutting.
Just try this a little bit its not very hard.
Ap Alistar:
Give them your dam Headbutt right in their face.
If you want to finish them cast W Q and Ihnite Ignite.
Support Alistar:
Just Support and babysitt your Carry. Buy and place as many Wards as possible.
Try to throw the enemy carry in the air with W Q Combo. It's always better you die instead of the carry. Supporting don't seems hard but it isn't as easy at it seems to be. You should look at the map to prevent ganks place wards at good places you should protect your carry and bring him some kills. At the same time the carry trys to lasthit.
Cast Heal if you loose Health. What a special trick.
Don't be afraid of the enemy or you will loose. Normal Casters farm better because of their range. Start to harass the enemy frim the beginning of the game. Try to get him away from the minions. If you walk back you will lasthit some with your trample.
Ap Alistar:
Your like a normal caster but with some diffrences.
You stand in the middle of the fight.
if you get focused you activate your Ultimate.
Thats all. Simple but effective
Support Alistar
It sounds stupid but your the ****ing tank for about 6-8 seconds.
You initiate with
Activate your Ultimate after getting the first damage. In teamfights you must initiate but also protect your carry and heal all teammates.
These 2 special builds are non-competitive. They are fun for trolling but not usefull in Ranked games. Your tanky enough with Support Alistar and make more damage with Ap Alistar.
Also jungling is a topic with Alistar. You can jungle with Ad or Ap Alistar but other Junglers are stronger. Ad Alistar is an old build from the days when his passive was 20% more damage on tower.
Also jungling is a topic with Alistar. You can jungle with Ad or Ap Alistar but other Junglers are stronger. Ad Alistar is an old build from the days when his passive was 20% more damage on tower.
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