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Anivia Build Guide by joebafire

Anivia: A True Gamer Guide

Anivia: A True Gamer Guide

Updated on October 18, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author joebafire Build Guide By joebafire 1,621 Views 0 Comments
1,621 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author joebafire Anivia Build Guide By joebafire Updated on October 18, 2011
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Hi everyone! this is a build I have been working on the past two months and I am finally satisfied and happy to say it has have reached perfection. This is my first guide since people in games have been asking me to post one, so here is my gift to you. Hope you enjoy it.

My first tip for Anivia is grab the middle lane solo and be ready to harass like a boss.
Secondly, never treat the passive as a second life. Play as if you that passive doesn't even exist.
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In case you guys may not have noticed, majority of games will go up to level 18, hence my scaling rune choice. None of my choices should come as a surprise. Magic pen. is a must.
The mana per 5 is REQUIRED for this build, since you will be spamming your ult for EVERY creep wave after level 6. The potency/force runes are nice for the extra damage and I see no need to explain this.
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9/0/21 is a standard AP build. This build will allow for most damage and most frequently used summoner spells. Some of you may be questioning the lack of points into the increased buff timer; however, the increased mana outweighs the buff for two reasons (1. your final item scales with your total mana and 2. you are not guaranteed to hold blue buff during the whole game)
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Dorian's ring is nice for hp, ap, and mp5. Always get this first. Next get your mana pen boots. Getting speed is huge so that you can harass champs like a pro. Soon as you Q, charge your opponent and and hit with E. So boots are nice to get to enemies in time before frost wears off and get that double damage E. Now get rod of ages. This item comes before all the rest for a couple of reasons. For starters, you need that extra hp and mana and secondly, you need time to build the stacks on the item. Now focus on getting death cap, stacking AP is now the only thing you need to do. The next two items help increase cooldown reduction, mana, and AP. Do not defer from these items. I promise you.
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Summoner Spells

Flash is great. I use it offensively more so than defensively. Most likely you will be facing a range in middle. So flash towards your target - Q - E - Chase/ Ult - Dead. Of course you only do this when target is at 50% hp or less to ensure the kill.

I dare you to play this champion without Clarity. You will be useless. Since you will spam your ult for every wave after level 6, you're gonna need it.

Do not deviate from these two spells. Both are irreplaceable.
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Great Passive
Excellent nuker
Best farmer in game, no questions asked. I have yet to be outfarmed in any game.
Hard to chase. You have stun, wall, egg, ult, flash.
Ult is a game changer

Slow movement
Sometime become the focus in team fights
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You are an assassin. In teamfights lay your ult and wall directly behind it. Find their hardest hitter and take him down. Your Q-E-Ult is a destroyer, I cannot begin to explain how hard it hits.
Your wall is always great to protect yourself and your teammates. If you see a teammate getting chased, don't hesitate to help out, wall is great for escapes.
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This makes me lol. Once you hit 6 drop that ult on every wave - its a friggin joke. Hang by tower and when they come a couple of steps past the halfway point go ahead and drop it. No one can push towers faster than you so your creeps will push their mid tower much more often, but DO NOT follow them. Let creeps come to you then drop ult and rinse and repeat until you at least have that rod of ages complete.

Keep this in mind: don't gank a lot. Stay mid, protect your tower and farm. By level 16 you are a monster. The only time my tower gets taken is when all 5 push mid and my team doesnt help. Be patient and drop that ult on waves.
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Please Post Questions / Concerns

I am striving to get people to follow this. It is so simple to win and do your part as Anivia. If you disagree with something or like my guide, please let me know. I will try to answer all questions
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League of Legends Build Guide Author joebafire
joebafire Anivia Guide
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Anivia: A True Gamer Guide

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