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Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
in the following I'd like to present you how I build my favourite champion, Anivia.
UPDATED! (Items)
Let's talk about runes!
A lot of people ask me why I don't use runes which give me a lot of AP at the end of the game (lvl 18).
Easey answer: If you have, like in this build, 30 AP at the beginning you can buy anything else and still have some ap which deals a lot of dmg. I tend to play Anivia on the middleline, and for normal I have enemys with low health and armour, ranged enemys. So, if I have my passive and a bunch of damage at the beginning the enemys need to play defensive and I can just lower their health and may kill them. So, 30 AP is great.
Another thing you could do is simply buy a Tome first, and use magic pen. and mana regen. runes.
A lot of people ask me why I don't use runes which give me a lot of AP at the end of the game (lvl 18).
Easey answer: If you have, like in this build, 30 AP at the beginning you can buy anything else and still have some ap which deals a lot of dmg. I tend to play Anivia on the middleline, and for normal I have enemys with low health and armour, ranged enemys. So, if I have my passive and a bunch of damage at the beginning the enemys need to play defensive and I can just lower their health and may kill them. So, 30 AP is great.
Another thing you could do is simply buy a Tome first, and use magic pen. and mana regen. runes.
Items! I buy the mana Crystal first, all the time. Why? You need mana like I said before without mana Anivia is useless. And you can build your catalyst very earley which gives you a great bonu cause every lvl up you get mana and health back, which is great! So I normally stay in line as long as I have 925 Gold and then I kill the enemy or push and go to base. What ever just go back get your catalyst, maybe shoes if you've got enough money.
After you got your shoes build a staff of ages to get a bit more AP and LP/mana.
After you got your staff of ages, spare your money for a archangels staff or the deathcap. I buy the blasting wand and then I normally wait till I have 1,6k or more gold if I have enough for archangels I am going to pick it if I have just 1600 I am going for the death cap first.
Rylas is a great thing. You slow your enemys more than you already did before that makes your enemys nearly standing infront of you. No escape for them. On the other hand you might want to escape from 2-5 poeple... Just drop the wall, your stun or ulti.... or everything they won't be able to get after you that nicely, I promise. :)
Now you might say "WHAT THE ****? LICH BLANE O.o get more ap man..!". You should take a closer look to the passiv of lich blane. First more ap mana and speed, great. For archangels for example. Next you cast a spell and do 100%(!) of your AP.... 100%! Means, for example you have 800 ap .... so you do 800 autohit + maybe 100 of your own damage. You can kill towers and players so fast and you have your spells as well. Then nobody can really kill you. I buy it so late because at the beginning you won't have that much ap...
Void staff is the last thing I'd buy (don't have the chance so often :P) you are now already damn overpowered and then tanks will be very good equipted but you'll be breaking their armor in like seconds. So, tanks bye bye!
After you got your shoes build a staff of ages to get a bit more AP and LP/mana.
After you got your staff of ages, spare your money for a archangels staff or the deathcap. I buy the blasting wand and then I normally wait till I have 1,6k or more gold if I have enough for archangels I am going to pick it if I have just 1600 I am going for the death cap first.
Rylas is a great thing. You slow your enemys more than you already did before that makes your enemys nearly standing infront of you. No escape for them. On the other hand you might want to escape from 2-5 poeple... Just drop the wall, your stun or ulti.... or everything they won't be able to get after you that nicely, I promise. :)
Now you might say "WHAT THE ****? LICH BLANE O.o get more ap man..!". You should take a closer look to the passiv of lich blane. First more ap mana and speed, great. For archangels for example. Next you cast a spell and do 100%(!) of your AP.... 100%! Means, for example you have 800 ap .... so you do 800 autohit + maybe 100 of your own damage. You can kill towers and players so fast and you have your spells as well. Then nobody can really kill you. I buy it so late because at the beginning you won't have that much ap...
Void staff is the last thing I'd buy (don't have the chance so often :P) you are now already damn overpowered and then tanks will be very good equipted but you'll be breaking their armor in like seconds. So, tanks bye bye!
Okay, you might ask: Why the hell did you pick the wall so earley?! Why? Because you always can use it to escape/look into high grass/to prevent your enemy to escape.
First of all I pick the q spell, damage and stun, that's great! After that I skill frostbite. If you aim your enemy with it after you used your ulti or q spell it does doubble damage, so ranked it up to 5 as first spell! That will give you major damage and easey and fast kills.
First of all I pick the q spell, damage and stun, that's great! After that I skill frostbite. If you aim your enemy with it after you used your ulti or q spell it does doubble damage, so ranked it up to 5 as first spell! That will give you major damage and easey and fast kills.
Flash and Clarity. I don't think you need a big explanation for clarity, you need mana and if you get killed and formed into a egg, and survive that. You got full hp again, and with clarity a lot of mana back.
Flash. You need your flash to escape or what I like to do is: When you are lvl 6+ (and mid) you always pick on your enemy (half hp down maybe) and then you try to stun him if you are sucessfull jump to him with flash put your ulti under him use frost bite your wall. After that there shouldn't be any thing left if there is may use your q spell again or wait for him going to base. That is a great way for ganking a high ranged char. (for example me as Anivia against Caitlynn. Me 6 0 0 Cait 0 6 0) ;)
Flash. You need your flash to escape or what I like to do is: When you are lvl 6+ (and mid) you always pick on your enemy (half hp down maybe) and then you try to stun him if you are sucessfull jump to him with flash put your ulti under him use frost bite your wall. After that there shouldn't be any thing left if there is may use your q spell again or wait for him going to base. That is a great way for ganking a high ranged char. (for example me as Anivia against Caitlynn. Me 6 0 0 Cait 0 6 0) ;)
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