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Runes: Just go to the matchups
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Challenging Smite
Ability Order
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
NOTE: Sejuani isn't a good ban unless your jungler also struggles against her, as she is very rarely taken to the mid lane. If she goes Jungle, don't focus on her. She cannot be slowed due to her passive, and she is very tanky, so there's no reason to attack her unless it is a guaranteed free kill. However, if someone decides to play Sejuani Mid, you have two options. Either dodge the game, or play into her thinking something along the lines of "She probably isn't that big of a threat. She might be new to Sejuani, so I can take advantage of that!" and then proceed to question every life choice that led up to this as you get curb-stomped into the ground. Her passive prevents her from getting slowed, and when people play her Mid, their not building her tank, so she can CC you and burst you to death. The best thing about playing against Sejuani Mid is that at the end of the game, you will realize just how important your passive slow is.
Amumu and Ashe can synergize really well. You can slow the enemy with your W and Auto-Attacks so Amumu can land a Q. When he Q's onto someone (and possibly R's them) you can R them as well to get extra damage and longer CC. Plus, having a tank jungler peel for you is very nice. AP Amumu can still work, but doesn't work as well with Ashe as well as Tank Amumu, as he is less tanky, and the extra damage on his Q and R aren't too important if you can burst the opponent, as well as your burn damage and extra CC.
Amumu and Ashe can synergize really well. You can slow the enemy with your W and Auto-Attacks so Amumu can land a Q. When he Q's onto someone (and possibly R's them) you can R them as well to get extra damage and longer CC. Plus, having a tank jungler peel for you is very nice. AP Amumu can still work, but doesn't work as well with Ashe as well as Tank Amumu, as he is less tanky, and the extra damage on his Q and R aren't too important if you can burst the opponent, as well as your burn damage and extra CC.
Champion Build Guide
Link to the Original AP Ashe Guide:
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