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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10 Adaptive (6 AD or 10 AP)
+15-90 HP (lvls 1-18)
Ability Order
Granite Shield (PASSIVE)
Malphite Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
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5 Stept on how to be the best player in this world:
If you do not follow these steps, I cannot make sure there will be a 100% win. You win by destroying the enemy nexus, and whitout opponents alive they cannot defend it. Full AP Malphite makes sure there will be no one alive to defend their base.
5 Stept on how to be the best player in this world:
Max Q
Don't level up W
Don't do anything till level 6
Don't try to help your teammates (only if you can make profit of it)
Always try to killsteal if possible (more kills = more money = better items = 100% win garenteed)
If you do not follow these steps, I cannot make sure there will be a 100% win. You win by destroying the enemy nexus, and whitout opponents alive they cannot defend it. Full AP Malphite makes sure there will be no one alive to defend their base.
Always pick ignite + flash. Ignite to make sure that the enemy dies and use flash to make MLG plays for your montage.
The runes you want to get are similar to the rune at the top of this page. Take sorcery as primary rune and domination as secondary rune.
The Arcane Comet is amazing on Malphite. It allows you to poke the enemy constantly. Also it gives damage and lane dominance.
Manaflow band is recommended because it give you mana and mana regen, what allows you to poke the enemy more.
Transcendence is nice because it gives you more CDR. The CDR gives you more ultimates on the long run, and the final built does not give you 40% total, so it's a nice attribute.
Gathering Storm gives more damage on the long run. This is needed because you need to have a lot of damage. This can be replaced with Scorch
Sudden Impact gives more lethality on dashes, which is great in combination with your ultimate.
Ultimate Hunter is your best friend. This rune gives you so much CDR reduction on your ultimate. Amazing

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