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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
Catch to Death.
(im sorry that the Pictures are in German, but i think most of you understand what they show u :) )
Hey Guys. This is my first Guide so pls dont be mad if my english fails much. :)
I just wanna share the best Skarner Build i ever see/play with. Its full ap, with a bit HP on Midlane. (work with every other AP, but with skarner its best ;))
I bet u think its 4 troll the other player. But Skarner AP PWNS!
His e always heals him, his w secure him from dmg, and his cd reduce so much bcuz of Autoattack.
So your tower is hard to destroy. Opponents tower is fast down, and jungle cant gank u that good.
First Start with Dorans Ring, U need the HP, bcuz u are squishee at start. Then u need the AP (no comment :)) and Manareg. Skarner needs alot Mana if u play him aggresive like i do :)
Then (Perfect if u could buy both at first call back :)) buy
Needlessly Large Rod and Ionian Boots.
-Rod u need later for Rabadons.
-Ionians CD is good 4 all your skills. With auto Attack of Nashoors in Lategame u will be amazing.
After this, buy Rod of Ages.
-It gives u the HP u need for stayn alive, the mana u need for all your Spells and the AP u need for kills :) Same with the next item:
-Rylais. +Rylais slows your opponents.. f*ckn good. they cant escape after Ulti ;)
Then i always buy Deathfire Grasp ( Can be sold later.. but i dnt playd a round that goes so long till now. I guess i would buy Zhonyas then..)
-gives u CD again. And the Passive *-* +80 AP!
Now, after all of that stuff, buy Rabadons. Upgrade your Needlessly Large Rod.
-Nothin to say. Much ap=Much DMG.
Your next item will be: Nashors Thooth.
-Good for Skarners Passive/Spells. Givin hughe CDreduction.
And then, if your Round took that much time, sell Deathfire Grasp and buy Item like Zhonya or Abyssal Cepter. (Like i said. never playd such a long game.)
Then (Perfect if u could buy both at first call back :)) buy
Needlessly Large Rod and Ionian Boots.
-Rod u need later for Rabadons.
-Ionians CD is good 4 all your skills. With auto Attack of Nashoors in Lategame u will be amazing.
After this, buy Rod of Ages.
-It gives u the HP u need for stayn alive, the mana u need for all your Spells and the AP u need for kills :) Same with the next item:
-Rylais. +Rylais slows your opponents.. f*ckn good. they cant escape after Ulti ;)
Then i always buy Deathfire Grasp ( Can be sold later.. but i dnt playd a round that goes so long till now. I guess i would buy Zhonyas then..)
-gives u CD again. And the Passive *-* +80 AP!
Now, after all of that stuff, buy Rabadons. Upgrade your Needlessly Large Rod.
-Nothin to say. Much ap=Much DMG.
Your next item will be: Nashors Thooth.
-Good for Skarners Passive/Spells. Givin hughe CDreduction.
And then, if your Round took that much time, sell Deathfire Grasp and buy Item like Zhonya or Abyssal Cepter. (Like i said. never playd such a long game.)
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