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Ability Order
Eternal Hunger (PASSIVE)
Warwick Passive Ability
In early game if you are aganist a long range champion you will get destroyed, so ask your jungler's help in early. If you are aganist a melee champion you can trade easily. You should use your auto attacks first and when you are running out of health use your 'Q'.
You can win trades easily. Mid game is easy for WW. You need minimum 1 item. Don't forget that you are not a tank so don't engage the team fights, wait your tanks. You can destroy ADCs or fighters with few 'Q's. Late game is same. That's all you have to know.
You can win trades easily. Mid game is easy for WW. You need minimum 1 item. Don't forget that you are not a tank so don't engage the team fights, wait your tanks. You can destroy ADCs or fighters with few 'Q's. Late game is same. That's all you have to know.
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