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Ashe Build Guide by Jiggle Physics

Other Ashe - Attack Speed Build

Other Ashe - Attack Speed Build

Updated on March 13, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jiggle Physics Build Guide By Jiggle Physics 2,807 Views 0 Comments
2,807 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jiggle Physics Ashe Build Guide By Jiggle Physics Updated on March 13, 2016
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This guide is for Ashe, the Frost Archer.

We'll be focusing on getting Ashe's attack speed up without making her a frail stick that will be crushed in one hit.
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For your spells, take Heal and Flash.

Heal is used to give yourself some health and movement speed, in the event that you need to get away.

Flash is used to get some distance away or too the enemy, or to jump over a wall.
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Once the game begins, purchase a Doran's Blade, a Health Potion, and your Warding Totem. This will be used as just damage and survival, keeping you alive until you can afford to upgrade.

Next, buy some Berserker's Greaves. They increase movement speed and attack speed, so this is a good start to the build.

Finally, put the Furor enchantment on your Greaves for the extra movement speed. The Phantom Dancer, Runaan's Hurricane, and Statikk Shiv are used for the attack speed boost. The Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster are here so that you can actually kill people instead of just being an annoyance.
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Max out your W (Volley) first, as it's your primary source of damage and slowing down the target.

Next, focus on your Q (Ranger's Focus). This is your secondary source of damage, and is one of your best bets on taking down large swarms of enemies and the turrets.

Finally, max out your E (Hawkshot) last. This move is pretty useless unless you plan on hunting people down which, when you're a squishy like Ashe, isn't a good idea unless they're really low.

As with every champion, max your R (Enchanted Crystal Arrow) ultimate as soon as possible.
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Go 18-12-0 for your masteries.

Fury -> Feast -> Vampirism -> Oppressor -> Battering Blows -> Warlord's Bloodlust

Savagery -> Secret Stash -> Merciless -> Dangerous Game
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Get 9 Attack Damage marks, 9 Armor seals, 9 Scaling Magic Resistance glyphs, and 3 Attack Speed quints.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jiggle Physics
Jiggle Physics Ashe Guide
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Ashe - Attack Speed Build

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