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Ashe Build Guide by Lucky Man 42

+ Ashe The Frozen Torture Updating !!!! +

+ Ashe The Frozen Torture Updating !!!! +

Updated on December 22, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lucky Man 42 Build Guide By Lucky Man 42 6,674 Views 2 Comments
6,674 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lucky Man 42 Ashe Build Guide By Lucky Man 42 Updated on December 22, 2011
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First Ashe is My main character
and she is My First Champ That I bought she is My Begining on LoL
I Never play Dota or online Game Before
I always play Sony Playstation XD
Then I play LOL (My first online Game)

Yes I Never play Dota and LOL is my first online Game
Then I begin with a Pure Noob
and Ashe is My First Interested Chap and stimulate to know how to Good on this game

Credit:(The Build Guide is I use when I was noob)

Thank alot : SnprShot and Madmack
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Pros / Cons

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Summoner Spells


Teleport is Very useful in Basic (Push or Def Tower)
But if Teleport + Enchanted Crystal Arrow is very Powerful good counter gank
or (ist my video have a credit in video)


Ashe is very squishy and bad escape skill (unless your ulti is ready)


same as Flash but you can have a good chase or better harassment


I recommend for beginner if you pick Heal + Ghost you ll have good Survival Chance ( for low summoner Level )
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Skill Sequence

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Early game

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Mid Game / Lv 6 already

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Team Fight

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lucky Man 42
Lucky Man 42 Ashe Guide
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+ Ashe The Frozen Torture Updating !!!! +

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Teamfight Tactics Guide