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Lucian General Guide by Bregic

AD Carry Attack speed= Max DPS lucian

AD Carry Attack speed= Max DPS lucian

Updated on September 16, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bregic Build Guide By Bregic 22,526 Views 0 Comments
22,526 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bregic Lucian Build Guide By Bregic Updated on September 16, 2013
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This build was inspired by this lol math video. Attack speed benefits lucian more than most AD carries. Attack speed benefits lucian's auto attacks, his passive and his ultimate more than Just AD. cool down reduction allows lucian to benefit from his passive more often and of course use his abilities more often.
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Why so many Doran's Blade

Since champions gain attack speed and attack damage as they level building attack speed early in the game does not increase DPS as much as late game attack speed. This is generally why people do not build attack speed early on a AD carry. In addition this reason is why buying 2 to 3 early game Doran's blades will benefit you more early game but not get in the way of the end goal of the build. Also doran's blade provide more sustain for lucian than most champions because their passive grants you hp for each shot of his passive.
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Blade of The Ruined King Vs Static Shiv

Blade of the Ruined king will be your only sustain besides doran's blades and Runes. If you feel like you need more sustain than get The Blade early but if you want to do more damage in lane and feel like you can survive on pots and doran's blades then it is effective to rush static shove. Because of the high amount of attack speed you will have at this point and the fact that each shot of your passive adds 10 charges to the shiv it is extremely easy to charge it up. Since the shiv falls off late game it is smart to sell it and trade it for a trinity force when your build is completed.
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Why Huricane

The hurricane is generally regarded as inferred to the phantom dancer and in many ways it is. The phantom dancer is just such a strong item it adds so much single target damage to a AD carries auto attacks. The Hurricane however works extremely well in late game team fights with lucian because his passive will activate the hurricane. This means that any time he shoots his double attack passive he will fire a total of 6 projectiles at once! Combining this with the black cleaver allows you to completely shred an entire team's armor in a matter of seconds. Also as an added bonus the hurricane will improve the static shiv if you still have it at this point Since you can send out 6 auto attacks in a single auto attack after using an ability or 3 without you can generate 30 or 60 charge with each auto attack, allowing you to proc the static shiv almost every second. Although it will be a bit random were it will land since you are using the hurricane and the first projectile that lands when you have 100 charges will activate the shiv.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bregic
Bregic Lucian Guide
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Attack speed= Max DPS lucian

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