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Draven Build Guide by Phsycho

Balls sooooo deep Draven

Balls sooooo deep Draven

Updated on December 16, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Phsycho Build Guide By Phsycho 2,220 Views 1 Comments
2,220 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Phsycho Draven Build Guide By Phsycho Updated on December 16, 2013
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Early Game

When you arrive at the lane you can try to invade the enemy jungle with or without your supporter because lets face it ; you are Draven and you can probably 1v2/1v3 them anyway IF you catch the axes. If you dont catch any of the axes , you will have a problem.

So if the invade was not succesful, just go to your lane and let all your aggression out on the enemy ad and/or support. Well you are Draven so they cant match your damage anyway.
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Mid/Late Game

With this build you should have 10+ kills by now (at least I do ). So you should be able to fight the enemy team on your own pretty easy.

Just dont forget: If you dont catch your Axes , you have no damage and you are not a worthy Draven player anyway .
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the author

I am without a doubt one of the best Draven players out there. I am pretty much winning 80% of my games with this build and tactics.
Yes i am high elo and yes I taught Ivannson how to play.

Btw the other 20 % I either dont get Draven or my Support lacks skill.

Have fun destroying lanes

Your DrAven/Phsycho
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Phsycho
Phsycho Draven Guide
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Balls sooooo deep Draven

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