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Tristana Build Guide by LegendarySheepo

ADC Bandle Gunner

ADC Bandle Gunner

Updated on January 15, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LegendarySheepo Build Guide By LegendarySheepo 11,595 Views 2 Comments
11,595 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LegendarySheepo Tristana Build Guide By LegendarySheepo Updated on January 15, 2025
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Runes: Classic rune page

1 2
Hail of Blades
Taste of Blood
Grisly Mementos
Treasure Hunter

Absorb Life
Legend: Alacrity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Bandle Gunner

By LegendarySheepo
Who Am I ?
Hey, I'm LegendarySheepo and I'm a low elo player (silver) that's been around for a few years and I enjoy playing the game for fun with my friends.

I like to play bot or jungle, but most I fill and play whatever I'd like to play.

This guide is the first I made, maybe there'll be more. Anyways, don't take those too seriously, I'm not too smart nor to strong at the game so I just try my best :) I mostly use this website to store my builds.

Sometimes you'll come across strange builds : that's because I like to experiment and discover fun builds. If you'd like to test them feel free to do so, and don't hesitate to give a feedback so I have more data !

IF MY GUIDES ARE BAD OR ARE NOT COMPLIANT WITH THE RULES OF THIS WEBSITE TELL ME. I'll try to rewrite things to make them better !
Why this guide ?
Because I'd like to store my builds and would like to share them with people. There really isn't anything more to it. Feel free to give recommandations about what I should add i the guide, or if things don't make sense, or if there's a way to upgrade the builds.
Laning phase
The laning phase with Tristana is, for me, the occasion to take kills and start snowballing. Trist has a really strong early game with the E and Hail of blades, if you have a tank support you should be able to get some kills. If you manage a few kills grab some items and keep killing your bot lane. Also try to use your lead to help your team and take objectives and more kills.

If you're up against a difficult lane in which you can't take kills just farm, Tristana is good to clear waves and take prio whenever your team needs help. Most of the time you can take advantage of that to impose your tempo on the lane and force your enemy to play as you wish.
Mid Game
In mid game you should... keep getting kills. Farm whenever you're able to.

One thing trist is good at is taking turrets so if the ennemy team leaves you on your own you can just destroy everything in your path.
End game
End game with Tristana isn't the better part, it's starting to be hard to get kills. Your E being your main damage source you'll need to focus squishies like AD Carries or mages to try and kill them before they kill your team.

Basically, what you want :
- Take turrets whenever you can
- Get all your items as fast as you can
- Win before the ennemy can be stronger than you

With your mawed out passive you can DPS from a really good range, so don't hesitate to abuse that range to keep your ennemies far from you. Ult away any bruiser/assassin that can kill you or deal enough damages to keep you out of the fight. Being alive is what matters, cuz if you stay in a long fight you'll be able to place a lot of bombs an deal a lot opf damages
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LegendarySheepo
LegendarySheepo Tristana Guide
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Bandle Gunner

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