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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
The only sums you will need
Ability Order
Mana Barrier (PASSIVE)
Blitzcrank Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
lvl 1-3
Lvl 1 you can trade with some champs if you got E first then once you get grasp go in for short trades. lvl 2 you can try to cheese hook them into tower. Wait I second before Eing them up so they can tank tower for longer. After that you can engage with Q but if you know you will win the trade engage with E and Q when they try to run away
lvl 6
If they are below half you can kill them your combo with ignite. If not you can either try shove the wave or ult the enemy and disengage becuase your ult is on a very low cooldown
After 6
Your E is on a very long cooldown like 3 seconds in the midgame and your ult on a 25s cooldown and if you have frozen heart already you can take extended trades and win. At 2 items you start dealing good dmg if you were behind and you can easily kill squishies with full combo
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