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Sona Build Guide by Actioner

Support Bloodsong Sona 🩸🎵

Support Bloodsong Sona 🩸🎵

Updated on July 17, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Actioner Build Guide By Actioner 33 1 88,284 Views 0 Comments
33 1 88,284 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Actioner Sona Build Guide By Actioner Updated on July 17, 2024
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Hello! Actioner here. I'm here to teach you the fundamentals for the Support role. I will surely try my best. So I've been playing League of Legends since late Season 3. I've been always a Main Support and I'm more than happy to share this passion and knowledge with you. I'm currently a high Master player with highest ever reached: Challenger Top 40(EUNE) and Master(EUW). I don't main a specific champion on Support, I can play 20+ support champs, so I always adapt to meta and what works best for me during that time. My secondary role is Mid-lane with a pretty small champion pool.

Feel free to join Action Squad and follow my journey!

Maximize lane harassment by frequently poking your opponent before sealing the deal. Ensure you're utilizing your Passive to its maximum potential by incorporating an auto-attack after every trade.

During team engagements, position yourself near your ADC in the backline to ensure their survival. Strategically save your Ultimate ability (R) for the perfect moment to shield your ADC from the enemy.

Leverage your R for strategic ambushes around key objectives like Baron or Dragon. Concealing yourself in an unwarded bush to surprise enemies is an effective strategy for Sona.

Sona is recognized as a formidable support champion, boasting a versatile array of abilities that offer healing, poking, crowd control, and additional utility. Her capacity to consistently deliver healing, engage in poking, and execute crowd control, alongside her favorable scaling with items and levels, solidifies her as a top-tier choice in the support role.
There are more Sona builds that can work, this is mostly for those who feel playing somewhat more aggressive. You can find different builds on my main guide below.
Please check my In-Depth Sona guide to learn on how to pilot with her, your strong parts and weak parts. You will find plenty information and tips for an easier approach.

Sona In-Depth Guide: Sona
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Actioner
Actioner Sona Guide
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Bloodsong Sona 🩸🎵

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