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Vi Build Guide by specialtaco

AD Offtank BOOM BABY!!! Jungle Vi

AD Offtank BOOM BABY!!! Jungle Vi

Updated on March 31, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author specialtaco Build Guide By specialtaco 1,379 Views 0 Comments
1,379 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author specialtaco Vi Build Guide By specialtaco Updated on March 31, 2013
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Start at blue buff, then go wolves then red then back. go around going bottom to top or top to bottom and ganking lanes on your way through but dont forget top lane. You'll want to gank when the enemy is pushed up in lane. This means they're far away from their tower. Get em. For high importance targets like the ADC or mid you can use ult to catch them and give the laner time to help you. Al ways tell your laner who your targeting and be careful of counter ganks. when jungling be weary that you havent fallen behind in farm. that can screw you over later on because your not gonna get a kill every time you gank. dont think that a gank wasnt succesful if the enemy got away, if they burned any summoner spells then its easier for your laner to fight them later. Vi is a great jungler because of her gap closers and knock-ups. Have fun pwning the noobs. BOOM BABY!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author specialtaco
specialtaco Vi Guide
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