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Brand Build Guide by Anzulo

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Updated on April 20, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Anzulo Build Guide By Anzulo 2,496 Views 0 Comments
2,496 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Anzulo Brand Build Guide By Anzulo Updated on April 20, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Pros / Cons

+ High Base Damage trough Blaze
+ Massive AoE DMG
+ Long Range
+ Good to Amazing CC
Brand deals massive amounts of DMG trough the entire game.
His passive Blaze deals a percentage of enemys healh each time it is triggered, and also applies effects.

In combination with Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Liandry's Torment, it does not only even burn Tanks, it adds a long lasting slow and makes Brand able to kite enemys effectivly.

Brand is a Combo Champ, while all of his Skills are reliant of his passive. If an Enemy has Blaze, each other skill gets additional effects, eg. if you hit an enemy with Sear while he is under the effect of Blaze, it adds a 2 second lastung stun that will mostly kill any carry.

+ Kinda squishy
+ Skillshot reliant and Combo Kit
+ High Mana costs
+ Immobile
Brand is very immobile, has no escape, is kinda squishy and his Skills are very expensive.
If you miss your Spells, you run out of mana very quick and get kinda useless.
Thus, his most effective spells are both skillshots, so you should bring any experiences and practice with you.
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To be continued~~
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Anzulo
Anzulo Brand Guide
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