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Easy pre second back but once he gets about 100 stacks and some levels he just withers you and ults and nothing can really be done if hes not a tard.
If he runs ghost might be hard but just q back from his e, most darius's telegraph it hard.
absurd amount of early game damage while doing to much damage late game, retarded champ just play safe and farm, get poke once she has used her dash.
so easy a blind chimp could win. when he ults you ult and just q to dodge his e then he cant do anything.
probably the biggest counter imo because of the cage, go cull or dshield and just farm it out to mid game.
dodge his hook you set, be wary when 6 and he ults back to lane, if u dont watch that ur dead.
so easy early then just kills you with phage later with damage that comes out of his anus, its fine just poke him hard early and play safe once past 6, always save ur e never waste it.
stupid amounts of damage early just farm and dont do anything to risky.
super easy matchup just save ur q for when he q's. if he has half a brain, which most garen players dont he'll q when u q to last hit, and get a good trade or kill you.
Dr. Mundo
just cancer, hard poke him, make him ur bitch early then at 6 respect the all in.
his counterstrike counters you but just save ur e for when he leaps, early he doesnt have enough damage to just waste his counterstrike on the stun.
just respect the fury and when he empowered w's you just q back and itll give you distance but still stun making his all in more difficult, and possibly the trade going in ur favour.
idk dont see a lot, just respect the lvl 6 all in with jungle gank its basically 3 seconds of cc.
when he q's you e, trynd is so easy just use half a brain dont stay under tower low hp just play smart.
so easy just morde 2.0. youre designed to beat him, q his q's and you should maybe be hit by one if at all.
you just lose, boo hoo. does good damage and has way stronger lane presence just farm. dshield or cull.
dodge his q and you can normally win trades, watch out for his e on minions as it procs grasp. be smart dont over extend or stay in lane at low health, you demolish him mid late game.
literally ass fucks you the entire game, his q makes you useless. my only advice is dshield and when he q's you take a trade by stacking ur passive and when the q goes out proc it with the last auto. you normally lose any day if he has half a brain.
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