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Zed Build Guide by AlphaDavePeng

Assassin Bruiser Zed

Assassin Bruiser Zed

Updated on September 13, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AlphaDavePeng Build Guide By AlphaDavePeng 15,887 Views 0 Comments
15,887 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AlphaDavePeng Zed Build Guide By AlphaDavePeng Updated on September 13, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Ok, so this is my first guide. This guide is on bruiser Zed. Ok, i know i sound cray, but hear me out. During this time, where Bruisers are dominating the meta (think Garen and Darius) and many high cc top laners, junglers, supports and even mids assasins are starting to fade out. But think about it, with the new items introduced recently i believe that Zed would be great with a bruiser build.

Ok and just another thing. I found this while basically trying to play everything bruiser, this includes bruiser yasuo, akali, talon, yi and many more. BTW im only like gold 5 so this guide is super shifty.
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Botrk - It's usually a staple in a zed build
Merks - Tenacity + MR which is hard to get efficiently on zed
Titanic - this item basically gives you a huge powerspike, although it may seem more like a tank item, it sure packs a punch. Basically at around midgame when you have Botrk Merks and Titanic you will 1 shot the adc or mid laner. Ult, Botrk E auto Titanic active for auto cancel W Q pretty much insta death without the deathmark even popping.
Dead Mans - Dead mans gives you that tankiness, as well as giving you a slow to prevent an escape after you ult.
Visage - Just some MR + CDR
Merkurials - You need it for the WW, Malz, Skarn, Liss, Annie (the list goes onnnnn)
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Pros / Cons

Still insta bursts mids and adcs
Tankier so u wont die straight after ulting
Better dueling potential against tanks
Poke is less effective
Better Mid - Late game
Might not tank shred as hard
Snowballs a little less
Less lifesteal (cant go do raptors or wolves for full hp)
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Team Work

You still can't frontline, your job is to assassinate their adc, which you should be able to do with ease with the titanic active. GOOD LUCK IN THE FIELDS OF JUSTICE, SUMMONERS.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AlphaDavePeng
AlphaDavePeng Zed Guide
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Bruiser Zed

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