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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Short Fuse (PASSIVE)
Ziggs Passive Ability
Burn build Ziggs is a build my friend (Kizlizma) has made and showed me.
I always had fun when using it and it has just the right balance between damage and sustain.
If u have any suggestions or questions post them in the comments below.
Thank you for your time!
I put 21/5/4 in my masteries to give me enough damage, sustain and mana.
21 in offense is focused on jungle clear time and gank potential.
5 in defense is mainly focused for sustain at early level jungling.
4 in utility is to grant you some extra mana regen, because before u have your Iceborn Gauntlet, you will run out of mana pretty fast.
21 in offense is focused on jungle clear time and gank potential.
5 in defense is mainly focused for sustain at early level jungling.
4 in utility is to grant you some extra mana regen, because before u have your Iceborn Gauntlet, you will run out of mana pretty fast.
I max Q first because it has the lowest cd and the most damage of ziggs abilities.
it helps you jungle and gank a lot better.
I max W next to lower the cd and gank better by either using it as a gaspcloser or a knockback for the enemy laner.
I max E last because the slows are good for ganking, but you won't need it in jungle.
it helps you jungle and gank a lot better.
I max W next to lower the cd and gank better by either using it as a gaspcloser or a knockback for the enemy laner.
I max E last because the slows are good for ganking, but you won't need it in jungle.
In the jungle, start of with Q to get as much DPS as possible on level 1 and because the low cd helps you get your passive back up faster (which is a big advantage with this build).
when you have all your 3 abilities, just simply keep spamming them all to get your passive up as fast as possible and to clear jungle camps really fast.
when you have all your 3 abilities, just simply keep spamming them all to get your passive up as fast as possible and to clear jungle camps really fast.
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