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Ability Order
Headshot (PASSIVE)
Caitlyn Passive Ability
I use flat AD marks and quints for additional 15 damage. Why not Armor Pen? We end up getting Last Whisper, which gives 40% Armor Pen, and by getting additional flat Armor Pen, it bothers with Last Whisper's mechanic. Flat armor seals are used for that 13 armor which'll allow you to take more harassment from enemy carries, making trade more effective for you. I use attack speed glyphs because with it, I can harass better and get my HeadShot up faster. Magic Resistance per level is also fine, but I tend to go with attack speed.
Okay, now here's how I usually build Caitlyn. First of all, it depends on who I'm laning with. Are you laning with a partner who has sustain? If yes, then grab Doran's Blade. If not, then grab normal boots with 3 potions. On your next return, you'll aim to have 2 dorans and a shoe (or berserker's if you got gold). Double dorans will allow you to have better survivability, more life steal, and 20 more damage. Considering that it only costs 950, I'll take it. It'll allow me to net some early kills to make up the gold anyways. BF Sword comes next, followed by a vampiric scepter. However, you don't build Bloodthirster straight away. You instead aim for Infinity Edge. Why? It gives more damage, and especially with your passive and crit, you will hit like a truck. Phantom Dancer comes next for more crit, attack speed, and movement. Now here's where you make your decision. If 3 of the enemy champion has over 100 armor, grab yourself a Last Whisper right now. If not, grab Bloodthirster first. Then you grab the other. For your last item, it depends on the situation. If you are getting focused, grab more survivability. If you want more damage, build another phantom dancer or a bloodthirster. I build Quicksilver Sash just because of its cleanse(saved my life countless times).
In a team fight, your job is to stay back and deal damage without dying. If the enemy is smart, they'll jump straight at you. So, stay behind your tanks! Your tanks are there to disrupt enemy and make sure they are not on top of you. Escape with E when someone does manage to get near you, and keep dealing damage.
Your focus:
AD Carry > AP Caster > Support > Bruiser > Tank
Your focus:
AD Carry > AP Caster > Support > Bruiser > Tank
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