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Ability Order
Headshot (PASSIVE)
Caitlyn Passive Ability
The traps are merely a diversion. You want to set them up in either a pyramid fashion or by choke points. For instance near their towers. You could set 2 on one side and another on the other side so they cant pass the tower without tripping it. You can also set them by small paths or any other choke point.
Your bread and butter are the [PILTOVER PEACEMAKER], [90 CALIBER NET], and [ACE IN THE HOLE]. You want to hit them with the peacemaker when they are far and pelt them with your basic hit always running back to hit them from afar. If they get to close hit them with the net and run back some more. As they almost die, they TRY to run....finish them off with your ult, [ACE IN THE HOLE]
Her key items are the the one that have +attack and +attack speed. You also need Blood Thirster for life steal. After you get that, concentrate on +attack and LOTS of speed. Late game you want to sell the Dorans Blades and buy Rageblade and Bloodrazor. Those are the 3 key things, +att, +spd, and blood steal. With that you're unstopable.
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