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Caitlyn Build Guide by Tlogolde

Caitlyn For beginners! Easy To win. iTem build + Guide

Caitlyn For beginners! Easy To win. iTem build + Guide

Updated on October 10, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tlogolde Build Guide By Tlogolde 2,259 Views 0 Comments
2,259 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tlogolde Caitlyn Build Guide By Tlogolde Updated on October 10, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Caitlyn
  • LoL Champion: Caitlyn


At first: my english is not that well so pls don't flame me, Ty

to get started, Cait is a easy champion. ill show you the most easy guide with her to deal significant dmg.

your passive powers every 7th shot. try to last hit the creeps while your in a bush. this will give your passive instead of one shot, two.
try to harass the enemy wius on last hitting!

go for

for realy bad last hitters: She is one of the auto hit farm queeen.standart ad carry your evil range and your passive. but foc
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Next time base, buy the atack speed dagger or if you have the money, buy zeal. the yellow think for phantom dancer. your next big Item could be IE (for the one wich token BD) or BD (for that dudes picked IE).

its the standart item build i see often and its very easy to gnoFirst start with boots and 3 pots or a dorans blade.
try to get fast as you can berserkers greaves to harras better and if you cant last hit, to last hit. if you buy boots, get a dorans blade to power your basic atacks. but just if you are not fed. if you have the money, go for bf sword. but, dont buy BF sword if you dont have any kind of boots.
Next Item it is your choice. Decide between Bloodthirster Or Infinity Egde. I prefer Bloodthirster (bd) because of its xtra life steal. If you go for Infinty Edge (IE) buy a vamp zepter. BD is better to stay on your lane, because of the lifesteal. But its always your decission. youre are not forced to do what i show you. but thats one way you can do this.

et and the dmg is HUGE
w its in your way. the enemy stacking armor ---> go for the armor pen bow. are you fed and you want to have max dmg. Buy your 2nd BD. if you want to Kill the enemy carry fast, Buy your 2nd (and last) Phantom Dancer. Are the enemies Stacking Life. Go for Madreds Bloodrazor.

Your End Item Build might be look like this.

3x BD 1x IE 2 Phantom Dacer (Remember BD= Blooodthirster; IE = Infinity Edge)
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Skill Sequence

I use this skill sequence becuase of your Q deals Tons of Damage. Thats why i max it.
Now you may ask: But why the **** you max W 2nd, OMFG WTF!!,
easy to explain. Becuase of I use W more often then my E. Its Just my play style. Why shall i max an ability, wich i dont use.
I dont think i have to tell you why i skill ult 6,11,16 ;)

to the Q.
its perfect to harass in Early game or to Kill some Creep you wont get with auto atack, BUT (!!!!) always save mana for atleast Q and E. because if you get ganked, you can flee. try to use it with your passive and your range to harass.
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Summoner Spells

Standart AD Carry Summoners, Heal and Flash, But if you think , hmm i hate those Monsters with heal and flash, i have got the medicine.
Ghost and ignite. Ghost to reach your Target (brilliant with cait ult) and ignite to reduce Heal and dot him to death.
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Pros / Cons

Huge Dmg Output
Nice harass
easy to farm for beginners
atackspeed + passive makes her not just early game strong
if you loose a game, you can come back

if some one is faster than you you will die.
A stun or invulnerablity will kill you (like Kayle)
Is a Often Played Champ in free Rotation

you see? i dont have so much significant Cons.
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Laning Phase

Laning phase should be an easy thing for you.
try to stand in bushes while last hitting cause of you passive.
Get the Cs and try to harass your enemies with your q.:)
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Team Work

Rule Number 1 Harass before The Team fight,
its Easy because of your Range.
Apper as one of the last. Try to make them think , that your tank is so much down, that they focus him, Then Penta Kill them.
Today i killed them in one Team fight Double and Tripple instead of Penta. Its easy.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tlogolde
Tlogolde Caitlyn Guide
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Caitlyn For beginners! Easy To win. iTem build + Guide

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