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Camille Build Guide by pistolpewpew

Camille Support Guide 14.3 Patch

Camille Support Guide 14.3 Patch

Updated on February 12, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pistolpewpew Build Guide By pistolpewpew 7,637 Views 0 Comments
7,637 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author pistolpewpew Camille Build Guide By pistolpewpew Updated on February 12, 2024
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Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Shield Bash
Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Camille Support Guide 14.3 Patch

By pistolpewpew
How to play early game.
There are 2 options, either you can engage or you can't (duh). If you can engage, you go in with your E, Attack Q attack attack and then empowered Q, if you have good position use your W as well and get out. If you did this perfectly either enemy is dead or she is chunked for 70% hp which is a win for us.

NEVER EVER trade without your passive and HOB (Hail of Blades Rune), it's MANDATORY.

Now look, you probably killed enemy laner, you help your adc shove the lane under enemy turret and go reset. Now you have a little bit roam time which you can use to make enemy solo laners tilt. How to choose where you wanna go? You just look at what your laner can provide and if enemy has a weird escape like a Vladimir PMS. Most of the cases, Camille is very strong to overcome their weird **** and just one shot enemy.

Now after successful or not gank you return to bot, you chill for a bit because Grubs are spawning in about 1 minute or w/e, you try to make your adc safe by either making enemy wave push INTO YOU or shove it under turret enemy. Then you reset and go to help your jungler secure grubs, you go on grubs, kill enemy jg in 3x2 because you just roam diffed enemy support and enemy jungler is tilting writing in all chat 9x our lulu plz she is so bad omg.

If there is very good opportunity you could make a kill mid or top, but most of the time you just return to your adc because they can start whining like a little rats and tilt your whole team.

Now, either you did good and won most of your engages OR.. you inted the **** out of it, which is okay, you tried things and failed, it's better than to be passive useless piece of walking minion and doing nothing but standing on lane 24/7 watching how enemy farms and outscales you. When you int and you are weak, it becomes hard to play as Camille, because you lack explosive power that you rely on, but IT'S OK, just calm down, take a deep breath, start watching enemy, stop thinking to go in, just watch, wait and watch, be like a crocodile hidden in murky water, wait until enemy relaxes and becomes cocky, because they will, everyone becomes cocky and when they become OVERcocky, you just leap out with your 20 kilometres E, ult 700G bounty jinx your team jumps like a piranhas jump on a piece of bloody meet in and you kill jinx. Because enemy team tried to save their precious fed adc they die after jinx too, now 3 of enemies are dead, baron is up, you go take baron and come back into the game, GG, you won the game sir.
How to play mid game.
Honestly, this is hard to explain in a text guide, but generally you play like a top laner. In teamfights you go on enemy carries, or you go split-push with your hydra because you can win most of the 1v1-s on sidelanes. You NEED to learn macro, which tower to take, which lane to push, which wave you can steal because it will die to turret anyway, how to manage waves, Why should you go top lane when your team just got baron buff and they push mid, I can't teach you macro from this guide, it's impossible, you either can start playing top lane split push champions like yorick or Sion and heavily focus on learning split-push macro, or watch some guides, it's up to you. Camille supports opens a lot of avenues which normal supports can't achieve and never will, because she is very mobile and has ability to win 1v1 duels.
How to play late game.
Same as mid game, there is really not much difference, except that you 100% should have Titanic Hydra by now which has a very strong auto reset and learn how to use it to one-shot enemies or split push, you can dish out 5 auto-attacks in a couple of seconds with all auto-attack resets.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author pistolpewpew
pistolpewpew Camille Guide
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Camille Support Guide 14.3 Patch

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