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Cassiopeia Build Guide by Not Going Naut

AP Offtank CASSIOFREELO. TOP lane synergy

AP Offtank CASSIOFREELO. TOP lane synergy

Updated on June 6, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Not Going Naut Build Guide By Not Going Naut 7,731 Views 2 Comments
7,731 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Not Going Naut Cassiopeia Build Guide By Not Going Naut Updated on June 6, 2016
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Hello everyone and im back for another new champion guide , featuring cassiopia! with this ap bruiser build you will become a hard target to kill while dishing out a good amount of damage .
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pros and cons

Never run out of mana(combined with dorans ring and tear)
Fast and tanky
Amazing Sticking power and harass
Ult great for teamfights and 1v1s
Never picked or banned
Very good escapes

Reliant on landing your poison to do damage
Damage falls off a tad later on in the game.....Dont worry too much if your damage falls off just be a front line and let your team do the damage. focus on peel. but if you need the damage get the void staff
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The meaning of this build is to become a early to mid game damage threat eventually scaling into a tank late game providing peel with your W and engage with your ult.
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My Summoner name is FreeMyMansBlitz if you need anymore questions about the build
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Not Going Naut
Not Going Naut Cassiopeia Guide
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CASSIOFREELO. TOP lane synergy

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