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Cho'Gath Build Guide by TheOneWithBrains

Cho gath the hybrid tank

Cho gath the hybrid tank

Updated on July 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheOneWithBrains Build Guide By TheOneWithBrains 7,449 Views 0 Comments
7,449 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheOneWithBrains Cho'Gath Build Guide By TheOneWithBrains Updated on July 25, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity



Welcome at my cho gath hybrid build. I decided to make cho gath an AP/tank hybrid champ for 5 vs 5 games.
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For runes i decided to go for a balance of AP , armor and magic penetration as we're a hybrid between AP and a Tank.
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For masteries i went for 9/21/0 giving us typical tank boosts and mage boosts. One downside about it is that we start with low mana but that's why we got clarity for.
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We start withfor increased health like most tanks do and try to harass our opponents a little while farming gold. Once you got enough you recall to base and upgrade it intoNow we'll be healed and regain mana every level so we can take some small risks making it harder for our opponents to get us killed. At this stage i usually stay on lane for a long time to level fast and keep farming while we ragain health and mana every lvl. Now when we recall again we buy the next items:for movement andfor its growth passive and the remaining effect of regaining health and mana on lvl up aswell as the AP boost. This is our core item build. The others will be picked depending on your opponent team. If they got alot of mages then go forfirst, otherwise pickfirst. Now before we pick the other one of the two we best get afor its considerable AP boost. After it we get the banshees veil or thorn mail depending on the one you picked first. We end with eitherfor the spellvamp making your abilities heal you alot or going forfor increased AP, health and a slow effect on your spells.
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Summoner Spells

ghost: to chase champions or make a quick gettaway if needed, ghost is always usefull.
clarity: to fix our mana shortage early game and to help us or our team later on if a team fight goes on for longer then expected.

Other usefull spells: flash, cleanse, heal (only early game)
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Pros / Cons

- both tank and mage attributes
- strong spells whith high amount of health making him survive very long
- loses health when killed (feast)
- main target for ganks
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Well this is it, i hope you guys found it usefull, all feedback is welcome below at the comments be it bad or good. Advise is always welcome aswell so have fun ^^
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheOneWithBrains
TheOneWithBrains Cho'Gath Guide
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Cho gath the hybrid tank

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