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Ban and Pick phase
EXAMPLES : Ezreal, Corki, Lucian.
Play jinx strong in lane, make sure to farm while using your Q to poke, don't use your W as much as you would like, as using Q with the rocket launcher uses quite a bit of mana if you're not careful with how you use that manna and how many times you auto early game, but make sure you get the farm, as low elo people usually choose one or the other, poking and zoning or farming all day, try to optimize in doing both as cleanly as possible, as jinx is really really really strong late game with her Q and it being one of the longest AA ranges with it going way above 600
Use your Q in team fights, as you get the AOE for hitting multiple targets, you should have your stattick shiv by this time and with both your AOE Q and stattick shiv, you can deal a ton of damages.
HINT: Make sure you control dragon at this time and have gotten opponents bottom lane turret, jinx can take that one out with 1 mins and a B.F sword and a Dagger at around 5-10 mins...
HINT: Make sure you control dragon at this time and have gotten opponents bottom lane turret, jinx can take that one out with 1 mins and a B.F sword and a Dagger at around 5-10 mins...
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