I used to struggle a lot vs Aatrox, not anymore. Here's the things I keep in mind that help me : First Aatrox is weak AF lvl 1, his Q is very predictable, has no dash, and a long ass CD (14 sec after last Q). Good Aatrox players will Q1 in the fog in order to last hit first 3 melees with Q2, keep that in mind. If he goes Flash Tp you can even go doran's blade and abuse him. Then, it sounds silly, but what comes after Q1 ? Q2, after Q2, Q3, after Q3, nothing for a bit. Sounds dumb but spacing is giga important against the champion and the spacing changes from a Q to another. So keep the rotation in mind as if you were the Aatrox player and add E range to it when he has it. Just like Fiora, it's easy to bait them into using R and then disengage to take an all in when they don't have it. Can purchase anti healing early but again, if you have enough damage it's not a must have. Later on side if you're even or ahead you win pretty easily the 1v1.
Akali is a big counter to trynd, this is a hard matchup, but still there are ways to win it. Early lvls Tryn beats the shit out of Akali, you can have an "easy" lvl 1 to 6 based only on a big chunk or lead in xp you get lvl 1. Abuse that as much as possible, take a long ass trade, try to dodge Q's obviously. Then what makes it so hard is the fact that after 6 she can make you burn your R very easily, then tempo is shroud the 5 sec and finish you off. She can both kite you and stick to you. If you managed to abuse her early laning, here are ways to win till 1-2 items : buy red trinket to follow her in shroud, by zeal and galeforce if you can to stick to her. Dodge E ofc, wait for outnumbers. A 2 items akali can beat a 4 items trynd on side later if she plays well, try to avoid side vs her because you won't be able to dive her and she can run you down. Maybe consider grasp build into her.
Akshan is a ranged top, but actually one of the easiest to face. The reason being that his escape has a long cooldown and also is a skill shot, sort of. So the plan is pretty simple : don't int it first few levels, wait for level 4 and your first point in W to look for potential opportunities if you're healthy enough, and after first base once you have boots and R you can pressure to perma kill him. One missed E on his end and he is just dead. Keep in mind that you can look to block his E by putting yourself on the way. Go galeforce obv and I swear this matchup is a fake hard matchup. Also in lane keep in mind that he is gonna look to Q all the cs so don't align yourself with your minions so he doesn't get Q poke for free.
First interactions : wait for her to auto a minion in order to E in + auto before she gets a shield by autoing you. Camille matchup is rough only if you don't respect her strenghts, being short trades with q, hitting her W (use e to dodge it in or out, and spacing ofc) and her roam potential (ping the shit out of map if she is missing, it's common for Camille players to go 0/4 then perma roam and comeback from that). Her only way out is E and it's a long ass CD compared to tryn E, but it covers a long distance so keep in mind what walls she have and how she can use them. 1v1 is pretty easy to win later if you're even or ahead. Don't give her too many free empowered Q's they deal a ton of damage (especially if she goes divine). Look at her summoners and runes in loading screen they differ a lot between Camille players.
The big issue with Cassio matchup is that it's winnable, but it requires a lot of focus and you can not let your guard down once. Basically if you're in a world where you can dodge every Q there is no way in the world you lose it, but she has Q every 3.5 sec so it's like a minigame. Early on she has mana issues so you can look to abuse the first few levels. Typical trade would be : dodge a Q, dash in to her, hit her for 3.5sec, do a random movement to dodge next Q, keep hitting if your still in range or go back. Then ofc her W is a big part of the matchup, when she has it up it can be very tricky to go for a trade, yes it cancels your ability to E but also it slows you so even if you E in she W and can kite. Often the best way to close distance when she W's is actually to step back out of it into E through it. Then ofc regarding the ultimate, try to dodge it but don't "overdodge" it and stay on place, observe how she uses hir first R, most likely she's gonna keep using it this way (like fiora W). She has strong scaling, and is close to unkillable 1v1 when she has zhonyas (so check her items). So try to set up the lane for ganks to abuse weak early, and go galeforce if you can to grab a few kills before she has zhonya's.
Cho'gath is actually super annoying to play against since his last buffs in my opinion. Once he gets enough armor he is legit unkillable for trynd with current items, and if he plays it decent he can scale freely to the point where he has that kind of armor. Still, as always, there are ways to beat him. First, do not straight trade him when just activated his E, if he gets all the autos or the spikes damage on you he will win that trade, so you can go when his E is down or when his hitting his last empowered auto. His Q is actually easy to dodge as long as you keep it in mind. As soon as he starts his animation startmoving to the way you would have decided it. He will try to time his Q on a timer where you're supposed to auto so it's ok to stop autoing a bit just to dodge it. It's good to keep in mind his R cd because it's pretty short it can surprise you. A good cho'gath is supposed to R on CD minions to get his 6 stacks asap, so if he uses it good you have a window to go for an all-in, if he doesn't it's also good because he's missing on scaling, but if you go for a fight you need to ult supra early premptively. Keep in mind that when cho'gath has access to the wave he will sustain as much as you if not more. Later in the game, bring him on side and use superior mobility to create a number advantage on the map, you won't solokill him or take turrets if he is holding you.
Can actually win a lvl 1 situation if he takes the fight in your wave, it's a close call but I swear you win. You don't if there is no cs. Then lane is all about his E and Q hitting, you can try to get in and out of E range to bait him to use it but be careful, also he can cancel ur E with his E and in that case ur doomed. For his Q it can be counter intuitive but if can't get out you need to get in, by walking or dashing in. Most Darius will take flash ghost to match you, if not it's free all-ins later in the game. Always keep your Q up for after your R or you die from the bleed. He's a lane bully on paper but you outscale him on side, also if you're going for an all-in and he has E up try to stay on top of him and do little movements it makes it super hard for him to hit E. Also note that second wind and revitalize are really strong vs him because you keep procking them on his ticks, and note that if he gets 3 passive procks or less you actually outsustain the trade, if he gets 4 or 5 you lose it.
Dr. Mundo
This match up in lane is a lot about his Q, you need to use it at your advantage : dodge Q's and he loses hp (and confidence), tank Q's to deny him cs (you sustain with your own Q anyway, and use your own wave to prevent you from getting hit depending of the situations. Try not to align with an ally dying cs so you don't get hit by E (9 sec cooldown). You can win long trades pre 6 if you dodge enough Q's. After 6, you can't 100-0 him since he has too much hp with his R, it's all about taking mid-long trades until you can all-in. Once you get kraken if you're even/ahead you can 100-0 if you catch him far from an enemy turret, but it's gonna be a long fight. If you can't do much on side you can use your superior mobility to outrotate him.
Of course vitals are a big part of it (NE - SW rotations) - Can also just walk away to reset a bad vital but do NOT miss exp for it. Then it's about her W which is not that hard to dodge when you are confident about it. Play like you're the better player even if you're not, and dodge it when it's obvious she needs it (like last tick of damage will kill her and she still has it). Antihealing is great vs fiora but not mandatory if you have enough damage. Later when she R can hug a wall but it's often easy to bait an all in make her use it then just disengage. It's not a great teamfight champ apparently so I can group if I lose side and play the 5v5 if I have clear ways to be useful in teamfighs. Her Q cooldown is twice longer when it hits no target keep that in mind if she misses a Q.
There is a fair bit of skill and mind game in that matchup which makes it very fun to me. Can for example get in and out of barrel range to bait of course, but there is way more to it, like for example when they connect barrels it creates an "8" shape, then if you position yourself between the barrels and move to the sides there is room when ur not hit by it (hopefully it makes sense). First levels you beat the shit out of him, later it's all about MS and if you can deny barrels. DO NOT use target champions only unless you're diving. The matchup is supposed to be almost unplayable against a really really good GP that will kite and scale freely but I haven't met one yet. Keep in mind he can deny W with his W, but his W CD is 8 seconds longer.
Only "annoying" garen build is when he goes phase rush + ghost (into full armor). If he has no ghost or no phase rush, it's free as fuck. Here's a few interactions that make the matchup so good for trynd : you can cancel his passive with your W (if the slow hits), you use your R as a reaction to his R, you can R when silenced, and finally when he Q's you if you click on him first and press E right before he silences you you will hit auto + E damage and win the trade. The matchup is turbo free abuse as much as possible long trades. Like lvl 1 you hard beat him unless he gets 2 Q off on the trade, and later it's all about sticking to him cuz you out dps, that's why phase rush ghost is annoying (in that case, try to make him burn summs while keeping yours for a later all-in). I put it in minor but with ghost + phase rush it becomes major.
Gnar on of the best blind picks atm in competitive because he's good into everything and trynd is not an exception. Still you have ways to get ahead. 1. Dodge Q's 2. Do not let him prock W passive 3. Take your fights when he's mini, early on at least 4. If u dash in to him, make sure you don't position yourself behind him otherwise he can just double jump on you. If he's the only frontlane don't be afraid to go galeforce so you can stick on him. Macro-wise Gnar wants to get mega and teamfight, so be aware of his tp timers, his mega, and try to force him to sidelane so he doesn't make the best use of his champion.
Early game best shot vs Gragas is outsustaining his mana, takes a pretty long time especially when he has tp and 2 mana bars but it's consistent. They often play with phase rush so keep that in mind when going for an all in. After 6 his ult is not that hard to "dodge" or at least direct in a favorable position, should pretend to be predictable and then do random movements, hard to explain but it works. If you dodge an E it's pretty free, keep in mind his E cancels yours. If you're even or ahead you win side imo. Mostly a farming matchup if he wants to. Grasp makes it a fairly decent matchup tho.
For some time, Trynd was picked to as an answer to Gwen in competitive, and I can understand why. Basically the strongest ability from Gwen does nothing against trynd (it can make you mess up an auto or 2 if you're not careful). The only way Gwen beats you in lane is by taking good short trades when she has all stacks up and outspacing. Your dash has the same CD as her except you can reset yours with crits. Many Gwen players take TP + Ignite, which is a mistake against Trynd because it makes running them down really easy with Flash + Ghost. Keep in mind even if you're fine in the 1v1 and win it by being even or ahead, the champ scales really well into most teams and can be annoying later to manage for your teammates.
Vs heimer it is very important that you go to lane level 1. The goal is to take out his turrets, that easy. If you manage to do that, you can get lane prio, you can go for long trades, etc. If you don't, he's gonna perma push you and be a menace during the whole laning phase. If you didn't manage to clear the turrets and get a lead early-on, just wait for your level 6 to look to all-in. If you start the all-in at full hp it should be winnable, depending on 2 things : his summs (they sometimes go exhaust) or the fact that he hits E or not. Even earlier you can actually look for big trades as long as he misses an E. Try not to E in until he uses it otherwise he can hit you pretty easily and kite and you will get damaged a lot. Be also always mindful of wether he has a stopwatch or not, it is core on heimer and counters trynd pretty hard so do not get baited because of it.
Get ready to dodge, and to click fast, in right angles. Keep your mouse close to your champion for better control. Illaoi is a favorable matchup for tryndamere as long as you keep moving, anticipate where the tentacles hits are coming from, and don't get touched by every E (you can easily bait it by playing around your own minions). You can also take down tentacles for free fury, and anyway when you can take them you should. Just I got surprised once playing vs exhause illaoi and the ms debuff made me get hit by tentacles despite good movement, otherwise move good win lane. After 6 the champ is supposed to be scary but tryn doesn't die for 5 sec, so if you have the damage to finish her within 5 sec just go for it, killing before getting killed. Be aware that your teammates do not have this kind of R and will need to respect range or R timer when ganking you. Can go D blade if confident. In lane should be careful when playing next to a turret because that's where she can have 2 tentacles active. If you fall behind you can proxy as it's hard for her to follow.
Irelia matchup is an easy matchup for trynd until you play against really insane Irelia players (I prob have met 2 or 3 on EUW so you should be fine). Still I will describe the matchup as how it should be played against a really good one. Lvl 1 Trynd hard shits on Irelia, her best option is to start E and use it to last hit the cs, otherwise don't be afraid just click on her (but don't trade for too long in her wave). Then this level 1 advantage should get you lvl 2 first and prio and a lead but this is where things get spicy. When the wave bouces back, she can just fuck you over from 100-0, she can stack her passive on the wave then use your casters to close distance and run you down and at this point she has more damage with passive stacked, and all you have to do is stay in xp range, and let it bounce, unless you're 100% positive that you can dodge her E. After that when the wave bounces to her you should have an advantage, just like the jax matchup the one who is pushing has the trading advantage. Later on, again, against a really good irelia if she has a wave (your wave) to play with, it should be pretty winnable for her, but if you manage to catch her without waves, like in between her turrets or between her t1 and the wave if you have a freeze or later on side you should beat her easily even if you are just even in items or slightly behind. Ofc look to dodge E all game, and recognize the pattern in which she is using it. It can go from tiny to extreme depending on Irelia's skills.
Jax can be pretty scary since he absolutely outscales tryndamere (because of his E basically). Still during laning phase it's a skill matchup and trynd even has some sort of an advantage since it's easier for him to play the interactions. Things to keep in mind : whenever trynd is pushing, he has the advantage cuz he can stack fury and jax can not stack passive. Same the other way around when jax pushed he gets passive stacks and not trynd, so at the highest level of play it's just a "bouncing waves" match-up where every player should respect the other player push. Now how to abuse early as trynd : level just auto him until he presses E then you E out (longer tryn E range), then after lvl 2, never start a trade in melee because then he can just follow your E with his Q, force him to jump on you, then again hit autos until he presses E and E out instant so he doesn't have time to cast it again. You outsustain, so kind of like wukong matchup take short trades into an all-in, if he manages to get 2 E's during an all-in you will most likely lose it. Grasp build tho makes it very different and sort of easy. Just play the short trades and outsustain you win by default until 4 items.
If Jayce has phase rush and plays decent he will beat you on side later, and you can never kill him in lane. If he doesn't then what you need to do is scale up, buy galeforce if the game allows you to (most likely yes), and look for big all-ins after 6. Keep in mind that he has his hammer so dashing straight in to close distance can be bad cuz then he hammers you and kites you for a big winning trade. So you want to look to hit W, close distance, get hammered, and then E to close distance again (just remember that you need 2 gap closers that's why galeforce is so good). Jayce damage before dirk is actually pretty low, you can outsustain it. Can look to put yourself between him and cs when he wants to last hit with Q. If you managed to get on top of him and he still didn't use his bump, position yourself between him and his turret and stay there even if you miss auto attacks for it so he can not bump you out and escape. Once he has a bit of damage in lane be careful not to get poked to death, it's ok to drop a few cs in order to stay healthy and be able to all-in when you can. It should be major threat but I'm yet to see a really good Jayce.
Karma matchup is a farming matchup, if she doesn't want to die, she will not die. Same for you btw your not supposed to die to karma. So the way I play it at least (my playstyle don't feel forced to do so) is I get quick tiamat into hydra and go for 12cs/min, get platings, ignore her, and you can actually kill her later with hydra + galeforce + navori (+ seryldas if needed). Try to W her after her Q because she's gonna face you otherwise, and if ur running at her wait the last moment before her W roots you to E in so you're rooted during your E travel so the CC is actually supershort, just like TF Gold card, Jhin W etc...
Can take mr runes or armor, Kayle is one of the few easy matchups left for trynd, you beat her at almost any stage of the game, but you need to keep a few things in mind. 1. She thrives on xp, she needs lvl 11 and 16 asap, so if you can deny xp at the cost of gold it's good (just like ornn matchup). 2. She has a slow and a movement speed buff, so make sure not to get kited, don't go for max E range, you need a bit of "safety" space. 3. Her ult invulnerability lasts from 2 to 3 seconds, when your ult is 5. So don't be afraid to dive her and shit you're unkillable for longer than her. 4. Go galeforce if you can. 5. Even if she gets 16 and is supra scary for your team, what's scary is her damage but you don't care you're tryn so if you can get on top of her you can still kill fed kayle. Still it should not happen you need to abuse as much as possible. Final thing : if she plays without ghost she's doomed, if she plays with ghost try to make her use it without using as in most ghost to ghost matchups.
Kennen is Kennen, a range top with a cc and movement speed so it can be supra annoying for tryndamere, depending on his runes and his playstyle he can be legit never killable for trynd. If he has his E up (the lightning that gives him movement speed buff) you can't dash on him he'll just use it CC you and kite you, but you can look for opportunities if he uses it for nothing. Also really import part of the matchup is that if he CCs you it's gonna be a 1.5 sec CC, but for the next 6 seconds following that it's only a 0.5 sec CC, so if you can manage to make him CC you without using your E you can look to all-in. Also it's ok to go armor rune against kennen even if he goes ap because he will poke with autos. Later on Kennen is really good in teamfights so you want to look to force him on sidelane, and ping your team on his rotations. One last thing : the way I like to play the matchup is buy buying early tiamat and hydra first so I can not fall behind in cs, clear waves and sustain through his poke. Not saying it's the best, but it's how I do.
Things to keep in mind vs Kled : The matchup is VERY snowbally, so do not go for flips as all he needs is a kill or 2 to buy full ad and be able to 100-0 you under turret, especially when Kled has ignite. Keep in mind his passive resets aggro. Basically you wanna dismout him ONLY when you are certain that you have the damage to kill him before he remounts (so keep in mind summs and both jgler presence). What good Kleds will do is not level W (empowered autos) until they need it for the first time so they can control it, keep that in mind when they reach lvl 3+. If you manage to get out of laning phase even or with a lead, it will be pretty easy to sidelane vs him since his ult is a "global" and worth nothing compared to Trynd ult in a 1v1. But be conscious of the state of the game because he can bait you into side lane then outrotate the hell out of you with his R, make sure to ping your team whenever this can happen.
If he doesn't want to die, he won't, like yasuo need to bait Q's by faking last hitting CS, Lose short trades win long obviously. It's all about dodging his abilities on lane, I think trynd is decent into K'sante especially for the fact he wastes hp for damage when he R, but I don't care about his damage I have my R, and I do care about him having less hp. Just dodge spells and keep in mind his cooldowns E pretty short W long af.
Malphite is a big bummer for Trynd since Trynd relies on his AD and attack speed and Malphite has tons of armor and a spell that reduces attack speed immensely (like nasus). Still there are ways to perform in that matchup : early pressure him supra hard (from level 1), you beat him on long trades, if he doesn't have E or doesn't hit it (he misses it, you go in). Later the plan is to bring him on side, outrotate, he tp's, now you do it again and he has no tp and you have a window 5v4 basically. Or you just play grasp build and free advantage, you only trade hp for grasp procks and later you look to bring a wave to his turret, ignore him and go for demolish procks. It's only in Even because of Grasp build.
Maokai looks easy on paper, but it's actually pretty frustrating to face. Indeed, he has a decent sustain in lane, he will buy a lot of armor and be unkillable, he has ways of stopping ur all-in especially with his Q that cancels your E, and even if he falls behind he will always be useful because his kit is tank/cc and will always work like malphite. The good thing is that he is not supposed to have any kill pressure on you and you're still stronger in a 1v1, look to go for long trades whenever he used a Q and you still have your E. Look to buy antihealing if you have a big lead in gold, go kraken quick, call for jungle ganks whenever he pushed the lane (and use his aoe damage to make him push), and later against this type of champ you're not gonna dive him so if he has no damage you can push a big wave and just hit the turret and ignore him or bring him on side and outrotate with superior mobility.
Actually not that hard of a matchup if you follow some pretty simple rules : Mr rune, respect his passive it's actually what deals the most damage, don't get hit by isolated Q's, keep in mind you have an E to dodge and it's pretty easy to do so (sometimes it's good to get hit by it. Engaging by dashing through a Q can be really big. Be careful later of his R when you're close to his turret if you guys are even or if he's ahead. You beat him on side with kraken I believe, but you need to dodge at least one or 2 abilities. Morde scales hard because he can R whoever is carrying in your team so try to force him to face you. Boneplating is pretty good vs him also.
Nasus is actually pretty terrifying for Tryndamere, as he supra dupra shits on you later in the game (U can't dive him, he can dive you basically). All his kit is built to counter Tryn almost once he scaled a tiny bit. Few things to prevent that : obv giga supra abuse early, do NOT let him ANYTHING for free, keep the wave on your side whenever you can, call for jgl ganks, you can also try to bait hiw W and E which both cost a lot of mana to outsustain his mana bar. I've seen tryndamere players build qss early to keep the snowball going, it can be a thing (cuz his W is the main reason he beats you). Later keep in mind that he can't pass through walls but you can, and you move way faster on map, so outrotating twice (one for tp 2 for actual outnumber can be a thing, baiting his ult and dashing a wall also can be a thing). Play hard for your win cond and breaking nexus as quick as possibly he will always end up outscaling you in longer games. Go kraken fast. Recently I have been running Cleanse + ghost vs him with great success.
First big rule against olaf, be careful of his lvl 1 all in with axes, do not facecheck him lvl and be aware of it. Olaf starts the game with 316 mana, outsustaining his mana bar can be a way to win the lane. Ofc, dodge as many axes as possible. If you want him to push into you, can bait him to throw axes that hit both you and the wave. Olaf is very weak when far from his axe, can look for fights then. Later in this matchup, after 6, it's all about killing before getting killed. Trynd R is better but Olaf can kite, so make sure you can stick to him and outdamage his sustain otherwise he'll just make you R kite and finish you or face tank your damage with sustain and finish you. Question 1: Do I have the damage ? Question 2 : can I stick on him ? Also after 6 when you're jgler comes keep in mind he can neglect CC so damage jglers are better than CC jglers (got ganked by maokai, he turned us).
Few things : counter-intuitive but take MR rune not armor. You can force an all in lvl 1/2, it starts becoming harder at lvl 3. His CDs are pretty long so if you dodge his abilities it's free long trade for you. Don't let him auto you when you have the "mark" on you. If you know he's about to use W, you can look to dash through it so it won't apply the "mark" on you. He scales off Exp more than gold so if you can deny him exp do it even if it means missing CS. U need time to kill him as soon as he has a few items so be sure enemy jgl/mid/supp can't use that time to come to the fight and cuck you. I usually end up getting a kill or 2 in lane. Keep in mind also that Ornn doesn't want to sidelane it's a waste of his champ so try to force him to do it. Also cheese him in bush lvl 1 they keep facechecking.
Pantheon got buffed recently and it made the matchup no different in terms of how to play, but way harder for sure. I played against spearshot multiple times and here's my take : pantheon is actually a poke champion. His goal is to poke you to 40% health with short Qs into an all-in. So obviously to counter only way is to dodge poke, but it's now giga hard to do because his Q is lower mana and longer range. Try not to make your movements obvious, fake going for last hits and move sideways shit like that (just like yone/yasuo), you can win all-ins if you have ghost, the wave on your side, fury, high hp, but most important if he has no phase rush otherwise you will never kill him. When he gets lvl 6, be aware of 2 things : 1. He can go straight to bot or mid from base if he has a good wave or a tp. 2. He can use his R as a tp back from base not to lose a big wave. Pantheon has actually a really good scaling especially because he neglects armor, but you're fine in the 1v1 on side later if you are even or ahead.
Poppy is a pretty hard matchup for trynd if played properly. But as always, there are ways to get a lead. You need to keep in mind a few things : her passive CD and the fact that you can walk or E on the hammer to deny it, her E angles to not give her free angles for a stun, and ofc the W because she can just cancel your E with it. So early on you can win long trades as long as you don't fight her when she has her passive shield and you don't take the Q full damage. The second tick of damage is actually what hurts on her Q so you can manage to take the first tick of damage as long as you are confident you can get out of the zone after that. After level 6 keep in mind her ultimate especially if your jungler comes, do not stay at an angle where she can ult both of you make her have to chose. It's a tank and tanks are OP so you kinda need to get a lead early to be relevant.
Quinn has not been seen in a while she is pretty weak at the moment BUT she is still a big trynd counter, especially if she plays phase rush and uses it well she is unkillable. Basically play it as you play vs ranged matchups (kennen, vayne..), favor xp over gold if it costs you too much hp and probably go hydra first to be able to instant the waves without getting poked to death. You can not E on her if she still has her E because it's so easy for her to react, knock you back and then kite you for a lot of damage. To go for an all-in, you need to make sure she has no phase rush, get on top of her first with W hitting and ghost prob, let her E you, and then E on top of her, then it can work. As these kind of matchups go, you can ask for jgl help because she is gonna perma push most likely and it's easy ganks. If you manage to get a lead it can be a very snowbally matchup.
I swear Rammus matchup is hard until you know the secret trick, and then it's EZ, at least early. REMEBER THIS : WHEN HE HAS W ACTIVE YOU DON'T AUTO, WHEN HE HAS W DOWN YOU TRADE HARD. That's it gg you won lane vs Rammus, not even kidding. You can also just look to walk up, let him E + W maybe Q even and you just dash out at the end of the taunt then you press Q and you will slowly but surely outsustain his mana. Keep in mind that he will rush bramble but bramble is bad into Trynd because you Q after the burn, make sure to Q after the burn then. Ofc after a few items rammus is then unkillable, but can not kill you either, so look to either play for high ressources and starve enemy jgler (you proxy waves and in between waves you take camps or roam mid) or look to just bring him on side and outrotate. Might consider grasp also but meh, cuz I think he can prevent you from bringing waves to his turret and I think you can snowball with lethal tempo. Finally keep in mind his R is on a pretty short cooldown (90 sec is 30 sec less than your ult).
Early vs Renekton, it's about who gets fury first, Tryn can actually hard beat Renekton lvl 1, it becomes harder from level 3 and until tryn has 2 items if even. He is a lane bully indeed so be very careful of who the junglers are (you have karthus and they have elise ? You might have to concede multiple waves at some point). Do NOT trade hp if there is a chance that you get weaksided. It's really all about early game cuz later tryn beats the shit out of Renek (need kraken at least). You can still try to get an advantage early from level one and jgl pressure (his E is a long ass CD). Also try to space in and out of his Q if you can it's somewhat predictable when they will use it. But most importantly if you're looking to all-in and feel strong enough, try to space out his E, meaning that you don't want to stay on top of him or he gets an E reset by dashing out. If you can auto and walk back he might E and not get the reset then it's free kill.
Rengar thrives when there are bushes available, meaning he doesn't like to be under turret, whether it's your turret or his turret. So if you're able to perma push him, do it (shouldn't happen early levels tho unless he pulls hard and you don't. Be careful after 6 he can easily gank mid but also just roam bot and gank from lane. A good way for rengar to win a fight vs Trynd is by kiting him so consider galeforce if the games allows you to build it. You win side later (if you don't get kited, cuz if they're fed they can jump on you make you burn ult and then tempo it to finish you just like zed, akali etc...). Ghost isn't enough to stick on him under R also.
If she doesn't want to die she won't. I still win short trades (1 or 2 auto + e out) (if she doesn't have all spells up and plays it perfect) because I can abuse sustain. If she plays Ghost/nimbus I have no shot, it's all about MS and outrunning her, berserk + zeal rush can be good. Riven can go from tiny to extreme depending on the player's skill.
Rumble can be very tricky, and I haven't faced the matchup too often so I might need to update it. All I can say so far is be aware to his heat bar, wait for him to overheat to start a long trade early on, because if his bar is yellow he gets more damage and his burst can be very surprising especially if he has ignite. Basically I would never walk in melee range to cs early if I don't have my E to dash out. Try to dodge his projectile poke as much as possible in lane obviously. So it might be not to clear but what I'm sure of is that if you went even in lane the 1v1 will be pretty clearly in your favor. Be just aware of 2 things : him having a stopwatch so being able to tempo your ult and the fact that his R CD is actually super short (lvl 11 with 50% cdr he has it every 43 sec it's insane). Overall just set-up yourself for all-ins and win (stridebreaker sounds good into him)
He beats me lvl 1, then after level 4 i'd say, it all comes down to his long ass CD's. I feel like if we're even and he has no ghost after lvl 6 I can just run him down. I outscale him hard especially if I have navori later and can dash through his W (possible if he does not hit empowered E). In lane just abuse sustain and try to bait his abilities with spacing. Try not to get hit by his W true damage obv and keep in mind that he can flash during W cast time so if you need to flash it do it as late and unpredictably as possible.
Sejuani is ont of those champions that can decide to never die in lane and just won't, as most of the Tabi/warden potential users. Still a few things to keep in mind : do not all-in if she still has her passive, and ofc do not use W because it will be wasted (passive gives her defensive stats + slow immunity), so try to keep it down as much as possible kind of like vs malph or Garen. Also all of her abilities are a straight line between her and you, meaning that you can dodge all of them by walking 90° away from that line, her W is actually pretty easy to dodge if you keep that in mind. Sejuani Q is on a VERY long cooldown (19 sec lvl 1) so if she uses it aggressively you have a pretty big window with a dash advantage. Also your ult cd is 10 sec shorter than her throughout the game it's nice to keep that in mind. Depending on your jgler, try to abuse good wave states to set-up ganks. You might get 1 or 2 early kills and then it is normal to never be able to kill her again. Then it's the classic scenario vs tanks : you bring her on side, outrotate with superior mobility, she might tp, bring on side again, outrotate again, gl with that fight. Might consider Grasp build if you like it it is more consistent in my book.
Shen has surprisingly strong trades early, be careful when going for cs especially against ignite shen. You win on long trades tho if you play well around his shield (passive). Be careful as well whenever you are under his turret not to get taunted and get turret aggro. Macrowise, good shens will not ult early (especially when they have ignite) because you get so much for it as trynd, but most of the time they still do, so be ready to punish with plates etc.. Also when Shen gets 6 or has his 6 turbo ping it to your team, there's a high chance that they won't listen but still do it's your job. Later you win on side just make sure he gets punished macrowise for every intervention. If your team wins the 5v5 good, just be there first.
Two big thematics vs Singed : Micro and macro. Micro : early on, hit him as much as you can when you're in range, at the moment you're not in range anymore DISENGAGE, you will win by doing that, either you kill or he will go oom before you have no hp. Rule n° 1 : do not chase a singed. Also note that his E is actually on a pretty short cooldown. Regarding the macro, walk up with your wave so he doesn't proxy lvl 1, then if he proxies : if you can proxy also AND take jgl camps in between waves do that, otherwise clear the wave fast, go on him make him use E and go back to farming under turret, repeat and he can't proxy more than 3 in a row because of mana issues. Ping back your team if you think you can't kill him instead of letting them waste time. When you have full points in W you can actually beat him on side in an all in later.
This is an easy matchup for tryndamere, Sion is basically a big punching ball for tryndamere. Abuse from level 1, all you have to do is consider his Q for which you can keep E to dash through or just move sideways. Pop his shield by just hitting him, and then I don't have much to say you have complete control of the wave, the only thing is it can be hard to hold a freeze cuz you can't cancel his Q so he can clear the wave easily with a good death, but still a death. It can be really good to go kraken before hydra, and also whenever you all in after 6 stay between him and his escape so he doesn't ult out. His R CD is longer than yours early. Ping his possible rotations with his 6 to your team and you're good to go most of the time.
Swain is an easy matchup for tryndamere imo. Early on, he doesn't have enough damage to kill you, you can sustain through it pretty easily, still you should try to not give him too many passive procks for free even if it's not what's gonna lose you the lane/game. Regarding his E, you can actually look to dash through him when he uses it or play in your minions and walk up so the minions tank it for you. Later after 6 it's all about being able to stick on him through the slow, the good thing is that your ghost should outrun his Rylai's slow. Once you have kraken and ghost it should be free kills if you're a bit ahead from laning phase. If you're not you can look to make him ult and go out of hit with your superior mobility, then go again. Don't forget also that you can dash through walls and he can't.
Sylas is an easy matchup for trynd, because you straight up win extended trades, even if he hits everything on you, and it's hard for him to keep you at distance. Not much to say, ofc try to dodge Q and E but sometimes it's actually good to take his E so he gets in melee range. Later when he steals your R your either look to make him use it first, or you can just wait for him to lose it and then you will have a window to go with ult vs no ult. If you int it early and he gets a lead then it can become a bit harder and you might want to consider anti healing, but you should be able to get a lead anyway.
Tahm Kench
Trynd can beat Tahm Kench on long trades early levels since new lethal tempo came out, BUT it will depend on trynd dodging at least one Q from Tahm. Basically laning phase is all about this, either dodge it with good movements or by positioning yourself behind minions. Be careful after 6 your ult duration is 5 sec and Tahm can eat you for 3 sec, so he can tempo it very easily and then spit you lick you and here's your ult gone. Can play safe pretty easily if you want to scale up, later with kraken you have an other opportunity at killing him but if he goes full armor it's doomed just bring him side and rotate,
Teemo used to be a counter matchup but very outplayable, now that they buffed his Q a lot it's more difficult to outplay, especially against really good teemos. Red trinket and hydra are good things to build, tje first one for the shrooms and his invis, the second one to be able to instant clear waves and not get poked to death under turret for cs. Don't go for desperate plays or tilt all-ins. Be patient, call for jgler ganks because teemo is gonna perma push most likely. Try to move to lane lvl 1 to see him if he wants to go invis in lane you can actually win a lvl 1 all-in. Be aware that he can blind you and become invis during the blind duration and tempo you forever. If you don't know where his shroom are in lane walk behind your cs let them scout for you. Keep in mind also for the blind that it doesn't take into account the moment the auto hits the enemy but the moment the animation start so be patient. If you have enough gold for it it can be good going for early qss. Gl hf, it's a snowbally match up that can go both ways.
I knew Taric was a cheese pick that can actually work almost at any role and is not even that cheesy, well I finally experienced it and think I figured out a few things in this one game against the champion. He went PTA, and got surprised by actually how good he is on long trades (passive reset spells + gives him stacks for Q so more heal). It's surprising when not used to it I actually died lvl 2. But he has some pretty obvious weaknesses : lack of mobility so ez to gank and also seems like he has big mana issues. So I can bait that I'm going for a long trade until he uses everything and I use E to dodge his E, which has surprisingly high damage btw. Later in the game Trynd shits on Taric on side and Taric need to group to make the most use of its champion, so it can be good forcing him to side. I took demolish cuz I thought it was Bardinette but I ended actually winning the game from this rune so maybe it's something to consider more. E's are not that hard to dodge and if not confident can keep your E for his.
Trundle is kind of similar to yorick matchup. Most trundles are looking to perma push sidelane and that's. Which is fine for tryndamere and makes it pretty linear, whoever wins the lane will give an insane advantage to his team by having perma side pressure. In the first few levels he beats the crap out of you because of his Q, dont go for long trades, can look for short trades after he Qs a minion for example. Be aware also that his pilar can cancel your E, so going for poke under turret can be supra risky as well as going in melee range when he beats you on an all in with the plan of using E out, he can cancel you and run you to death. Just like Fiora matchup you can fake to go for an all-in until he uses R and then disengage so you have R advantage. It's a stat check matchup where you need to have a clear advantage to win all-ins (more hp, more items, more summs) so keep that in mind and don't go for flips if you don't where enemy jungler is or if your not sure you win it cuz it might lose you the game (or do it just to learn tho). Also ask yourself if you can stick on him because he has pretty high movement speed with his spells and can make you ult and kite you and finish you after if you have no ghost.
I have to admit, played it twice, never read the whole abilities, not sure what to think of the matchup (played it only 2 times also). Basically like old udyr him being 10% hp doesn't mean he's in kill range he can bait you the stun/shield/run away. Good thing is that early on he can't one shot you or force an all-in so the best way to approach it imo is to assess the power of each of you by taking semi-long trades and see how it goes. Just try not to fight in his zone that slows you he can kite and deal a lot of damage. It can be a matchup where it's good to finish kraken before hydra. Later it's all about your ability to stick to him like a lot of melee matchups. If you're ahead you win pretty ez. Be careful tho he can run away and take a very long time to kill if he wants to, and also if he goes lethality build he can literally one shot be ready to R better than sorry. Add on : bro this champ is something, when you think you kill you don't. Wait kraken before doing anything.
Few things to keep in mind. Early on, try to stay on the side where he used his passive (legs) already, he has way less damage like that. Then, it's all about his E. If he hits it, and you guys are even, there's no way you win the trade. But if he misses it or manage to dodge it (try to get in and out of his range) then you have a big timer to go for a winning all-in. After 6 it's all about one thing, can he make you use ult before he has to ult. Good urgots will look to do this, make you use R, link their R, and wait for the end of your ultimate to activate their R. Because if you didn't know, you can ult while you getting dragged to him (at the last moment even) and just get out of his belly. So it's pretty much a stat check matchup.
Vayne top is Vayne top, ppl hate it and there is a reason for that, basically perma harass supra annoying gets you under turret and pokes you when you go for cs. If you E on her, she Q's during your E and doesn't get damaged then kites. If you slow and E and get in range, she uses her own E. The thing is there is something called the "vayne top treatment", meaning that Vayne is very vulnerable to ganks. Don't be afraid to call it out, just get as many cs and hold on your summs when you're by yourself, and set up good ganks for your team, it can snowball hard. Also early during the lane use your own wave to trade with her, by letting her auto you when she's in minion aggro range, you have more sustain overall it can work long term. Also her E is a long ass CD and she can struggle with mana if you manage to make her use E a lot without being 10% hp. Later you don't win unless you're ahead and/or summs advantage. Galeforce and red trinket can help a lot.
Viego is a pretty easy matchup for trynd in my opinion. You win the extend trades as long as you can stick on him. Viego top doens't have too many strengts, mostly he will look to poke with Q but I might actually outsustain that. Be just aware when you go for an all in that you have a decent set-up (rage, W hits, even or ahead in items etc). I believe trynd beats viego at any stage of the game if the stats are even or in Tryndamere's favor.
Volibear used to look very scary to me but now all I see is a teddy bear. If you want you can get perma pushed in with his passive. Now if you want to play aggressively 2 main things to look at : dodge his E (zone), they will try to E-Q or Q-E, try to bait it and E out right when you're about to get stunned. Second thing is do not get in melee range when he marked you already (mark stays 8 sec). His R has a way longer cooldown that your R. In an all in, try to hold on your E as much as possible so that he can't kite you by using R away or just stun you, start with W slow and auto attack.
Try to get out of lane 0/0/0. Don't force shit, wait for jglers, ww players are mentally challenged and will throw the game in a way or another. Just chill, patience. If he's low hp, he's not low hp, unless you have a number advantage. Rush antiheal prob. Also kraken first.
You don't win extended trades against wukong because his passive is so broken (the longer he fights, the more armor he has). You also don't win short trades on paper, but you actually because you have sustain and he doesn't. So not much to say against wukong in terms of the specifics, just keep in mind one thing : short trades into an all-in. There used to be a trick to know when wukong uses his clone (you right click on him and don't kite, and when he uses clone ur character will stop moving) but it doesn't work anymore so be aware ! Don't do it you'll look silly. Red trinket early can be good to scout clone and also keep in mind his ult cancels your E. If you manage to get a lead early you should win side, also he doesn't want to side he's wukong he wants teamfights so force him to match you as much as possible as he has 10 times yyour impact in teamfight,
Pretty similar to Yone. Can win off an all in level 1, depending who gets to stack lethal tempo first, so who facechecks loses. Like Yone, bait him to Q by faking going for CS and then go. Yasuo is easier for trynd than Yone, you just have to be aware that he is 10x stronger when he has an enemy wave to play with, kind of like irelia. Other than that not much to say, track his summs timers (he might go ignite or exhaust), dodge Q's when possible, kick his ass.
Pretty similar to Yasuo. Can win off an all in level 1, depending who gets to stack lethal tempo first, so who facechecks loses. Like Yasuo, bait him to Q by faking going for CS and then go. Dodging one single Q in an all in can make a huge diff. This champion when it's well played is a pain in the ass for tryn, especially because it's undivable. Still I think when tryn has everything (Flash/ghost/galeforce) he wins later on side, only exception being him having exhaust or ghost. It's a lot about spacing in this matchup. Later you win side it's still gonna be about dodging his abilities and sticking on him.
Yorick is a fine match-up for tryndamere, mostly because you can dash through his cage, and get fury off his little monsters. You can also crit on his cage to reset E btw. Early on it's all about not getting hit by his E when he has many graves. Keep in mind that getting hit by his E is ok if he has no graves yet (he gets graves by killing minions with Q). Regarding the all-ins, it's way way better to start the trade by hitting W and getting to him walking, then you keep your E to dash through his cage, otherwise he will cage you after E and you will get hit hard by the monsters. After 6 look to kill his maiden as soon as you can, he is 10 times weaker without it. Vs Yorick it's a bit like Trundle, you can win side but you can not afford to let him top alone for even a bit of time even if he's very behind, he can one shot turrets pretty easily.
Playing against a good Zac can feel awkaward, they make you think you're in kill range when SIKE, you're not. Unfortunately I don't have exact math it's gonna be a lot of limit testing. Just try to deny as many blobs as possible, and keep in mind when he has his passive : do I have the time and the damage to kill the passive ? If not it's not worth to die for his passive or get a terrible wave. If you're able to get it, good, its a very long CD (5 min). Ping hard when he moves, he has 10 times your impact in teamfight but trynd has more impact on side so play on you terrain. Puttin him low hp can be a bait just like ww since he gets more hp from blobs depending on missing health. If you're not sure if he has passive or not just click on him it shows as a passive, also it shows with little wings on the level part of his hp bar just like anivia or GA.
Zilean is one of the ultimate farm matchups. He will look to get as much xp and gold possible without dying and out-impact you later with his broken abilities. The thing is because of his slow especially and his Q stun, he can be as safe as he wants and just chill to the win. So he can do step 1 of his plan which is not dying pretty easily but you can prevent him from getting step 2 (gold and xp) easily. Toplane is a long lane and zil bombs are AOE damage, so you can actually use them at your advantage, like letting yourself get hit by a bomb into dashing in your minion wave so when the bomb explodes the wave is gonna start pushing into you. Once the wave is on your side Zilean is pretty vulnerable to jungle ganks or even your all-ins. If you dodged one Q it's ok to take the second, the problem is the stun not the damage. Can go hydra and even demolish in this matchup to make sure you punish him hard for his roams and if he doens't roam you just push and hit turret for free. Later he outscales you in the 5v5 so look to just go for side as much as possible.
Aurelion Sol
Jarvan IV
Nunu & Willump
HAS EVERYTHING : CC + AP + MS BUFF + CAN ULT YOU = PEFECT. Make sure he ults after you.
Aurelion Sol
Jarvan IV
Nunu & Willump
HAS EVERYTHING : CC + AP + MS BUFF + CAN ULT YOU = PEFECT. Make sure he ults after you.
HELLO FELLOW TRYNDAMERE ENJOYER. I'm Chaddouk, a Tryn OTP who reached rank 521 (779lp) on EUW this season. I started playing Tryndamere in season 8, then completely OTPing him since Season 9. Over the course of 5 years, I played thousands of games of Tryndamere for a total of 5+ million mastery points, and have been able to play him in every role, into almost every matchup, against some of the best players on the server.
As everyone learning this champ, I started by watching Fogged, then Ranger and Ulleh, until I realized that I have gathered enough knowledge to be able to pass it on myself, and do it my own way, which would be the best way for some new Tryndamere enthusiasts. That’s when I started coaching, creating content and writing this guide.
I will make sure to update this guide regularly so it stays as accurate as possible. Feel free to ask me anything on my socials, I stream everyday and answer every single comment/message. You can also add me on Discord (Chaddouk), or book a coaching session if that can be of any help.
I’m sure all of you guys know what Tryndamere’s abilities do, but when looking to master a champion it’s mandatory to understand how to actually use them.
Q :
This ability is actually what kept Tryndamere alive before the range buffs, and make him really strong these days. It’s not his ult or crits lvl 1 that make him broken, it’s the fact that he can abuse infinite sustain. So unless you’re looking to trade hard and you NEED to crit on your opponent, you should absolutely SPAM the **** out of this ability. I coached many Trynd players that wait to stack fury to press Q to get more health and I used to do it as well, but it doesn’t work this way. The more you use it the more health you get. Press it on CD when you’re not looking to fight. Also Q’s passive give Trynd AD the lower he is in hp, that’s good to keep in mind but we’ll talk about it later.
W :
W has 3 uses, and kind of like his Q, people tend to misunderstand it (been there, done that).
Of course the most common use is the slow, it is important that you don’t use it mindlessly but try to read your opponents movements, and vs some champs you need to hold on to it for a bit (for example Jhin faces you when he uses auto or W, so wait for AA + W + AA and THEN you W, same for Caitlyn (Q and traps), Viego (Q) etc..).
The second most common use is to scout bushes. Indeed, when an enemy is in range of W, your W will light up, this allows you to “see” invisible champions like Shaco or Evelynn, or to check bushes without a ward. Here’s an example of W scout winning me a game.
The third and most overlooked one is THE AD DEBUFF. That’s how Ranger explained it to me when I got his coaching : W debuffs 20 AD. A long sword gives 10 AD for 350 gold. Thus, 20 AD equals 700 gold debuff. Now imagine you’re getting dove by 2 AD champs, by just pressing W for the debuff and not for the slow after they get hit by the turret, you create a 1 400 gold deficit on that play, which equals you having 4 kills for free, by just pressing it before getting hit by damage. Are you convinced now ? So you can use W even when your opponent is hitting your turret for plates to force make him need more autos for example.
E :
Your E is NOT A DAMAGE ABILITY, or at least 95% of the time it isn’t. You’re E in an ESCAPE and a GAP CLOSER. It’s really important that you hold on to it as much as possible to create or close distance, because when you’re using auto attacks, even if you kite well by default you’re slower than your opponent so he will be able to run away after a few, that’s when E comes in handy. If you absolutely don’t need it to stick on your opponent then you can use it for damage, but it’s pretty rare trust me.
R :
Pretty straightforward this one. JUST DON’T DIE. Now just 2 things to keep in mind, it’s good to try to last frame it, at least for let’s say 30-40 games, it will lose you some games in the short run but will win you games and experience in the long run. In some situations, it’s fine to use it very early because it gives fury, so crit, so helps you reset your E for distance. But it’s actually pretty rare that using it for fury is the best play.
Maybe you’re not familiar with the concept of a champion’s identity. Basically it’s what the champion is designed for. What it actually does, what it’s good at. And it’s important to understand deeply what your champ’s identity is in order to make the best of it.
Here’s how I see Trynd after years of playing it :
Tryndamere is nothing but a Ball of AD Damage, that runs fast on the map. That ball deals a LOT of damage if it gets to deal it. But the ball is not that big (a bit bigger now that we have more range) so it’s sometimes hard to deal that damage. Because of that identity, to make use of the champion we need to be hitting something, as much as possible, as hard as possible. Whether it’s a turret, a champion, a camp, a ward even, anything, we need to be hitting.
Let’s keep that in mind and see how it defines our playstyle.
Historically, there has always been ONE BETTER BUILD on Tryndamere because he’s all about the stats. Last season for example was either Kraken -> Navori -> IE or Galeforce -> Navori -> IE and that’s it. But since the recent changes making Navori, IE and Gale mythics, you now have way less good options, meaning that you actually have way more options.
Another way to say it is that now that nothing is GREAT, you can go for just what’s the “less bad” option, opening your choices on Tryndamere. That’s how I developed the different builds and how you see every single high elo Trynd player switching items so often.
You can consistently hit your opponent and are you looking to teamfight ? => Go kraken/navori You can’t consistently hit your opponent but are looking to teamfight ? => Go stridebreaker/PD/Essence reaver You can consistently hit your opponent but you’re not looking to kill (because too tanky) nor teamfight ? => Go Hullbreaker/Triforce and just hit turrets
Tryndamere is of course known for being a split pusher, but many players, even in higher elos don’t completely understand what “split pusher” means exactly. It doesn’t mean that you should go on sidelane and stay there, that’s not split pushing, that’s twerking on sidelane.
Many people wonder when to split push, when to teamfight, here’s my answer, but I’d recommend watching the video down below which explains it in better terms.
Basically you need to ask yourself a few questions :
if you go on sidelane, can you just kill your opponent without dying ? If yes, you should just do that. Because either one player matches you and you kill and get turrets, or they have to send two players and your team now has a 4V3 on the map.
If you can’t kill, can you rotate faster than your opponent ? Most likely yes (cuz trynd goes fast brrr) so push sidelane, then rotate and threaten a 5V4. If the enemy side laner has TP use that strat to make him use TP, then do it again.
If you can’t kill and can’t fight, then the game gets a bit hard and you need to find other useful things to do like contest vision, get jungle camps in between waves, look for a trap or just slowly lose the game because not every game is winnable.
Most important thing to keep in mind is that splitting actually means creating a pressure point. So you need to think about WHEN and WHERE you want to create pressure.
WHEN : You want to create pressure for something else to be played on the map. It doesn’t matter if you bring 3 people on side and kill one if your team is already dead or backing after a big fight. You want to make sure someone matches your pressure actually BEFORE an objective spawn. The goal is to force the enemy team to match you first, then you can look to rotate and be there when the objective has spawned or your team can use your pressure to take. If the objective is already up and you’re walking out of base, you need to either push mid or go to the fight because your pressure will come too late.
WHERE : Split pushing literally means SPLIT-PUSHING. You need to be SPLITTED from your team. So pushing Top when you want to play for nash is BAD. Because it means that the enemy team can both defend your push and the nash. You want to push at the opposite side of the objective. Or if you’re too late for the side just push mid.
Let’s summarize now the strengths and weaknesses of our favorite little ball of damage.
. Infinite sustain is turbo OP
. Really good at split pushing
. Really good with CC in his team
. Moves fast on the map
. Big backdoor potential
. Really good at diving
. Very vulnerable to CC
. Pretty straightforward so easy to counter
. All he does is deal AD damage so Armor turbo counters him
. Has to go Ghost so can’t really go TP
. Pretty bad in late game (enemies are tanky enough to survive him while having enough damage to make him ult fast).
. Items are expensive and he’s very bad from behind.
. Needs summs or ally CC to function
I will start with an analogy. You, yes you who is reading this, you probably have played some sort of sport at some point in your life. And if not, you’ve probably witnessed people doing sports and trying to get better at it.
Let’s take basketball for example. Do you think that to get better at basketball, players spam basketball games ? Or do they go for specific drills (Shooting one day, dribbling another day, passing, cardio etc…). Well you guessed it, the good answer is drills.
So why do we, as league players, think that we will get better by spamming soloQ ? (spoiler : because we are stupid, that’s why we play league hehe).
My whole point is to learn to get better at Trynd or any other champions, you need to focus on concepts one by one. Here’s I think a list of what would be the most important to the less important :
[*] Laning fundamentals : how to recognize what a good or bad wavestate is and how to abuse it or fix it.
[*] Macro fundamentals : how to play for the objectives, how to snowball a lead to nexus.
[*] Trynd specifics : How to play your matchups. How to use your spells correctly, how to abuse your sustain early and how to find your place in teamfights.
[*] Any other aspect of the game : (like vision, jungle tracking, map awareness, micro etc...)
Well that’s WHAT to learn, now let me talk about HOW to learn :
A good general principle is that you don’t have to play the game to learn to be better at the game. While you’re playing, you have to focus on so many different aspects, it makes it hard to get better at a specific objective. For example if I try to get better at managing my first 3 waves, by playing I can only practice it twice or three times in an hour, but by watching and observing content in an hour I can one 2 specific videos on Youtube then 10 examples of pro players’ wave management, with full focus on it.
The secret is to watch PROACTIVELY, you don’t want to look at some gameplay and wait for something to happen, you want to think about it. For example, watch me or Ranger or Ulleh or any good Trynd player and press pause every 30 seconds : ask yourself “what would I do here ?”, find an answer, press play, look at what they actually did, try to understand why you were right or wrong (most likely you would be wrong, or you would be GM+ already, so you have many opportunities to learn).
THEN you go in a game and try to apply those new concepts.
Now because I’m a nice person, here’s a list of some of the best content creators IMO for those different concepts :
Level 1
You can Q at the start of the auto animation : this way you get the Q healing, but your auto will take into account the amount of fury you had before the Q. So you can crit with 0 fury sort of.
E flash : Tryndamere’s classic. You can E and use flash during the dash to surprise opponents or extend its lenght. Example.
Scout bushes with W : You can scout bushes or fog of war overall by just looking at your W. If it lights up, it means an enemy is in range. Example.
Level 2
Stay low after a kill to get platings faster : Keep in mind that the less hp Trynd has, the more AD he has. So if you just killed your opponent and you see everyone on map, do not press Q or use pot, stay low to clear the wave and/or take platings faster.
Walk back to the last turret shot if needed : that way it hits you earlier, can often save lifes when your ult is fading. Example.
Use E to go through turret taking only 1 turret shot : pretty self-explanatory, you just need the right timing.
Never miss a zhonya timer with E : you don’t have to time Zhonya’s perfectly, just E through the gime roughly when the stasis is fading because your E will apply damage instant as long as the opponent is in your E when he comes back.
Hit the plant when you’re giving a leash : by hitting the closest blast cone, you get 5 extra fury and more crit chance on the buff.
Level 3
W flash : you can W and flash during the animation, the slow will apply considering where your flash lands. Never useful honestly haha.
Scout bushes with W WHEN IT’S DOWN : if you spam your W while being on cooldown and no one is in range, it will say “you can’t cast this ability now”. If someone is, it will say “this ability is not ready yet”, pretty cool, no ? Neither me, Ulleh, Ranger or Bocap knew this just a few months ago, after years of Trynd experience.
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