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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Hextech Munitions (PASSIVE)
Corki Passive Ability
Blue->Gromp->Wolves->Red->Scuttle->half of raptors->back->rest of raptors->then try to find a gank.
This is how you want to First clear the jg. You also want to take both scuttles. When you are about to die, smite it. Don't worry. If you are low, back. It's better to at least live than the enemy getting a bit ahead.
FARM. You farm up to 8 min unless the gank is possible. If it's possible, great if not just farm and reach lvl 6 or 7 by 8 min. Then you get your package and immediately gank. The gank is secured with the package because you dont waste a w. If you failed to use package, dont worry. Your w is immediately up so use it to run. Then farm until mid game and reach your 3rd item powerspike. Then you can start ganking a lot or even try to 1v1 the jg. At mid game, teamfighting with package would be the best but its not always going to be up. So if you have a strong teamfight comp, get in there and start the fight. If you have a tank, follow up. The reason why you can engage is that you have e which reduces their armor and mr which helps your team do more damage and secure kills. Late game, you are a 1v1 monster. If you have 6 items, then you can literally 3 shot an adc with you r.
HAve fun!!
HAve fun!!
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