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Sap Magic (PASSIVE)
Maokai Passive Ability
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With Twisted Advance,you can hold down an unlucky peasent while he gets ******** by your family.And,if you combine it with Arcane Smash,you will always have the highest amount of kills in your team.Vengeful Maelstormis freaking awesome because its cooldown is so low that you can spam it all day everywhere to make the minions explode like fireworks and to make a raid party regret opposing the great President Maokai.Since you saw the powerful punch packed in that super skill,you should use it efficiently by bursting an enemy to death or by getting a free assist if you're too far away to kill a criminal.Thanks to Sapling Toss,you will be able to throw your offspring near a foe to kill him and these little kids are the best to perform the most beautiful kamikaze attack to feed the father.Also,that skill will alow you to scout a dark area to see if a ****abish is hiding in that brush and if there is one,your faithful kids will chase him to oblivion.What's more?Since the Mini Maokais grant you some vision ,you can use them to spot a sexy lady and rape her without mercy,no problem!What's even more?If you stack your babieson a single spot,you will witness a frightening chibi terrorist act if someone dares to approach them.
Before the minions arrive in lane,you must toss some Chibi Maokaishere to help your jungler clear that camp at lightning speed.After that,get back in lane and use your Baby Shoton your opponent to make him taste a little portion of your true power.However,the mini Maokaisare no brainers and they will suicide on whoever they want,so be sure to aim them near your target like the best COD sniper or throw when no minons are around to bomb his HP down with immense success.Are you getting ganked by the enemy jungler?Run to the nearest brush to hide and ninja kill the most squishy person by spamming all your skills in one go.
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