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Rengar General Guide by Moon4Lord

Assassin Deleted Rengar Build

Assassin Deleted Rengar Build

Updated on September 28, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Moon4Lord Build Guide By Moon4Lord 1,288 Views 0 Comments
1,288 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Moon4Lord Rengar Build Guide By Moon4Lord Updated on September 28, 2014
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Bonetooth Necklake - get bonus range, speed, ulti duration...very useful

Ravenous Hydra - for for DMG, a bit of life steal and the cleave effect to kill minions faster

Boots Of Mobility (Homeguard Bonus) - Super Speed at Spawn and Very Fast HP regeneration

Last Whisper - Dmg and Armour Penetration (35%)

Youmuu's Ghostblade, a bit dmg, cd reduction, 20 armour penetration , movement speed...

Randuin's Omen - 70 armour ,500 HP, Unique Active slows the target...

The BloodThirster - A lot of damage and life steal for healing Rengar...because that's what he need ;)

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Moon4Lord
Moon4Lord Rengar Guide
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