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Diana Build Guide by Cloud58tw

Diana Blood Moon! ( MID ) ( by: Cloud58tw ) .

Diana Blood Moon! ( MID ) ( by: Cloud58tw ) .

Updated on February 1, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cloud58tw Build Guide By Cloud58tw 4,631 Views 2 Comments
4,631 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Cloud58tw Diana Build Guide By Cloud58tw Updated on February 1, 2018
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Summon Aery
Nullifying Orb
Absolute Focus

Mirror Shell
Second Wind


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Start with and COMBO!

Start with W and COMBO!

Play safe at first with W Pale Cascade, stay with your minions until you have the Q Crescent Strike then push the lane using W / Q combo for more damage.

Don't overextend too much, he can kill you easily with jungler gank.

Another thing, your game depends on the enemy : If you face Zed or Ahri, they are easy to get the first blood if you play safe and with the help of your jungler.
It will be more difficult If you are vs Orianna or Syndra, It's not so difficult but also not so easy to get the kill as you need to dodge their skillshots. It's really important to wait for the right moment to kill the enemy.
If your enemy is Malzahar, be careful, really careful !!! But If you don't want to see him on the game just ban him in the start ! This is what I do, It's just a suggestion.

The ultimate R Lunar Rush : use it with Q at the same time , that will reset the ult (R), and than you can use it once again! Or use it when you need to escape.

COMBO lvl 2 pre 6 : W + Q + E + Ignite.
COMBO post 6 : Q + R + W + R + Ignite and at the last if he is not dead yet and try to escape use E.

PS : This is my way of playing it in the game. If you have suggestions leave a comment or see WE in live on Twitch!8cloud85 :)

COMBO lvl 2 pre 6 : W + Q + E+ Ignite;
COMBO post 6 : Q + R + W + R + Ignite and at the last If he try to escape use E.[/i]

PS This is my way of playing it in the game. If you have suggestions leave a comment or see WE in live on Twitch!8cloud85 :)
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One of my game with Diana! Vs Ahri . XD
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cloud58tw
Cloud58tw Diana Guide
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Diana Blood Moon! ( MID ) ( by: Cloud58tw ) .

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