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Diana Build Guide by Radox95

AP Carry Diana Mid AP Carry - The Eraser of the Moon

AP Carry Diana Mid AP Carry - The Eraser of the Moon

Updated on November 26, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Radox95 Build Guide By Radox95 61,290 Views 0 Comments
61,290 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Radox95 Diana Build Guide By Radox95 Updated on November 26, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Who am i ?

I'm Radox95 - a Bulgarian player from EUNE. I'm just a common player (Silver 5) who specializes in playing only with few champs at all, but i'm really good with every single of them.
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This is my Diana guide for mid laners. Usually Diana is used more in the jungle, but i really suck there, the jungle just isn't for me.
About Diana - she is from the most powerful champions in the entire league. She has great potential and even 1,2 early kills will make you snowball like hell later. But the most important thing about all Diana players (and lovers :3 <3) is the fact that no matter how much OP the people call her, Diana is in fact really well balanced champion, who doesn't require solid skills to be played effective.
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Pros / Cons

+ Very high damage
+ Bursty champion - Diana can literally erase ADC-s and APC-s
+ Has gap closer
+ Very mobile champion
+ Independent champion - she can work alone, it isn't necessary to stick with someone other to be effective
+ Hybrid champion - Diana is both fighter, assassin, mage and even bruiser
+ Fun to play with

- No escape mechanisms instead of flash or using her ultimate on enemy, who is alone or neutral monster
- Easy to shut down if enemy team focuses her
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Doran's Ring - i like to start with this item (i've missed to mention it earlier, for which i'm sorry) + 2 health pots - This is great starting item. It gives you some AP and also mana, which is very important. The pots just increase your durability in the first key minutes of the game.

Luden's Echo - people just don't realize that this is the core item for Diana. It gives you so much AP, bonus damage on 100 charge and on top of that makes you more mobiler, so you can easily chase and finish off opponents.

Sorcerer's Shoes (Alacrity) - you are APC after all, you need those so you can inflict bigger pain and also to be mobile enough to catch any champion.

Rabadon's Deathcap - huge AP boost + bonus AP boost.

Lich Bane - another item, crafted just for champions like Diana. Your abilities are amazingly powerful, but you are melee after all - you need to use auto attacks from time to time. This little wonder gives you huge amount of damage on the auto attack after using an ability.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter - this item makes you tankier along with the fact it gives you huge amount of AP. The slow when you use an ability on enemy/ies just make it cooler.

Nashor's Tooth - It gives you good AP amount along with this split-pushing attack speed. The cooldown reduction just makes your low cooldown abilties even to be even on lower cooldown.
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I'm sorry i've forgotten to add the last 12 points. So, i prefer to spend my last 12 points defensively - in Resolve:
- 5 points in Unyielding
- 1 point in Tough skin
- 5 points in Veteran's scars
- 1 point in Perseverance
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Radox95
Radox95 Diana Guide
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Diana Mid AP Carry - The Eraser of the Moon

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