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Diana Build Guide by Lightehammer

Jungle Dirty Diana, the Glass Cannon

Jungle Dirty Diana, the Glass Cannon

Updated on November 26, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lightehammer Build Guide By Lightehammer 6 1 24,165 Views 0 Comments
6 1 24,165 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lightehammer Diana Build Guide By Lightehammer Updated on November 26, 2022
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Runes: Glass Cannon

1 2 3
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Gathering Storm


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

Dirty Diana, the Glass Cannon

By Lightehammer
Build Overview

What is Glass Cannon Di?

Glass Cannon is a term that refers to something highly powerful and equally vulnerable. In this instance, you are trading your tanky sustain for a much higher damage output upon your dive/engage. While this power can absolutely snowball games, if you fall behind, you do not have a good way to get back in the game as you rely on hitting power and item spikes congruently (or preferably, before) your lane opponent. This build also relies on more ganks than you may be used to with a perma-farmer like Di. Lee Sin would be a good comparison for your ganking pattern, and you may need to adjust your first clear to compensate.

Why play Glass Cannon over the traditional/"most popular" build?

I was a faithful Sunfire Aegis/Demonic Embrace player until the adjustment came, and honestly just felt like fights with Di took too long. Maybe I am not a huge fighter/bruisher fan, maybe I am too fond of AP assassins like Evelynn and Katarina but I just wanted Di to do more (specifically, her ultimate). With this build, you fulfill all your dreams of diving into a fight and wiping the entire team (or at least, getting 5 assists and an Ace) because our damage is absolute with a full kit.
Hextech Rocketbelt
There is a solid argument that at all ELOs and levels, Hextech Rocketbelt is the singular best item on Diana. I am not arguing that Riftmaker is better, merely a fun alternative build that can absolutely stomp through games.

Night Harvester, Luden's Tempest
These items have their applications but by and large, Hextech or Riftmaker are the go-to items, with either the Electrocute or Conqueror builds.
Electrocute is excellent for short trades that accumulate into higher kill potential as the laning phase goes on. While this sort of ***ymetrical trading pattern is usually seen with burst mages, this build on Di does turn her from an AP tank into a burst mage/AP assassin.

Conqueror is excellent for extended trading patterns, more of a classic build that also works very well with Conqueror. All in all, this is a Glass Cannon guide and there are substantially better Diana players than I am who have written guides (Raen is a great one:
Well, that's all she wrote for now. I will update this guide as time goes on. Happy hunting, fellow servants of the moon.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lightehammer
Lightehammer Diana Guide
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Dirty Diana, the Glass Cannon

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