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Irelia Build Guide by Ruthless_Duck

Middle Documenting Irelia matchups / Just learning Irelia <under construction>

Middle Documenting Irelia matchups / Just learning Irelia <under construction>

Updated on October 4, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ruthless_Duck Build Guide By Ruthless_Duck 1,351 Views 0 Comments
1,351 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ruthless_Duck Irelia Build Guide By Ruthless_Duck Updated on October 4, 2022
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Legend: Alacrity
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Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

Documenting Irelia matchups / Just learning Irelia <under construction>

By Ruthless_Duck
Hello, I'm Kirov, I'm just a plat ADC player who is sick of the bot lane and decided to 1trick Irelia mid lane. This is just a documentation for the matchup knowledge I will acquire.

you need to read the next section to understand how this works.

Thank you.
How do I classify matchups
So, in order to classify matchups I need to assess a few things. This is still under construction tho, I'll add more details later

I'll use some points system to classify matchups, it's all based on my idea of irelia's identity so far. I heard Coach Kurtis say Irelia is like a Formula 1, and she really is tbh, you either go hard or go home.

so basically for every kind of defence a matchup has against your oppressive all in they will gain a difficulty point.

These coutners are determined as follows.

1 - Fist Fighter,, any champion that can go toe to toe with Irelia in prolonged fights especially in the earlier stages of the game

2 - Rubber Ball,, any champion with severe amounts of dashes

3 - Personal Space,, any champion that has any form of disengage potential that can prevent you from jumping on them including ultimates

4 - Annyoing setup,, for obvious reasons. some rune and summoner setups can really give you a hard timem typically stuff like phaserush, ghost and barrier

5 - Annoying Basic Abilities,, if a matchup has any form of evading / disengaging in their basic abilities aside from Ultimates

However, for every weak point in the nature of your matchup that actually makes it easier for you to engange on them they will lose a difficulty point

These weak points are determined as follows,

1 - Sitting Duck,, if your matchup have no mobility whatsoever aside from Flash ofc.

2 - Coward,, if your matchup is a ranged champion or a mage that doesn't deal relevant damage with their auto attacks, and thus doesn't like prolonged fights.

3 - Easy Setups,, if your opponent has runes / summoners that makes your day easier like poke oriented runes, comet for ex. and lack of defensive summoners like barrier or exhasut.

4 - Poke abuse,, if your opponent constantly uses his abilities on the wave and their abilities are often times on cooldown because of it

5 - Can't stop you,, if your matchup has no hard CC on their basic kit like stuns, roots or snares...etc

Now for the Classification method

1 - I'll count how may difiiculty points will the matchup end up having and categorize champions based on the final number into the 5 given categories

2 - in the begining of every matchup there will be a brief of good and bad points using the titles from this section, telling you the basic idea of the identity of your matchup

3 - I'll include my personal experience encountring these champions with the number of games i got matched vs them, and i'll also add a section for how i've seen higher rank players play those matchups.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ruthless_Duck
Ruthless_Duck Irelia Guide
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Documenting Irelia matchups / Just learning Irelia <under construction>

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