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Ashe Build Guide by Wick3DHugo

Dorans Ashe

Dorans Ashe

Updated on January 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wick3DHugo Build Guide By Wick3DHugo 5,039 Views 4 Comments
5,039 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Wick3DHugo Ashe Build Guide By Wick3DHugo Updated on January 6, 2012
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Introduction of My Build

The reason i choose ashe, is...

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Pros / Cons

Pros / Cons


+ // Great lane survivibility.
+ // Awesome, cc.
+ // Great harass.
+ // High early damage output, With Focus
+ // Global skillshot ulti. ( Enchanted Crystal Arrow)
+ // Extra gold with, and a free Clairvoyance with Hawkshot

- // Can't find any.
- // Something.., EUHM LOW ASPD!
- // Guess, she cant be invisible...
- // Guess, something is missing..
- // Like, a stun?, wouldnt be needed cause Frost Shot
- // Its no custom skin that makes her look like a panda.
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  • Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed: // This isn't my first choise, normally i go with the LifeSteal quintessences, but they arent updated in Mobafire. ):
    The reason i like to choose lifesteal quintessences, is because of your laning survivibility because in lvl 1, if you already bought your Dorans blace you will already have 12% lifesteal, wich allows you to screw your Health Potion.

  • greater mark of Desolation: // I generally choose this rune because, it's armour penetration will actually let you hit MORE than your attack, if you use masteries, it's up to 12 more damage!
  • [greater glyph of XXX]: // explain this choice
  • [greater seal of XXX]: // explain this choice
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Summoner Spells

The three main, Summoner Spells on Ashe.

Exhaust: // describe spell here
Ignite: // describe spell here

Flash: // describe spell here

Other mentionable chooses on Ashe.

Clarity: // Mainly, cause Ashe is having some mana issues, the feeling when you mana is all burst out in a teamfight, not being able to shoot your ******** Enchanted Crystal Arrow.
Harsh feeling,
Teleport: // describe spell here

Ghost: // describe spell here
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Champion Skill/abilites

Ability Explanation

  • Focus: // This allows you to have a high critical strike after each and every recall, which makes your first basic attack, a high early damage.
    You should save it till on a champion, as its a waste to use it on a minion.
  • Frost Shot (Q): //
  • Volley (W): //
  • Hawkshot (E): //
  • Enchanted Crystal Arrow size (R): //
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wick3DHugo
Wick3DHugo Ashe Guide
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Dorans Ashe

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