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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by Crashez

Dr. DominDo

Dr. DominDo

Updated on January 24, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Crashez Build Guide By Crashez 2,780 Views 0 Comments
2,780 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Crashez Dr. Mundo Build Guide By Crashez Updated on January 24, 2012
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About me.

I've been LoL for a long while now (just after it went public beta, and i mean like 3 days) i wouldn't say I'm amazing as I never had much time to play as you can tell by looking up my summoner profile. If there is one thing I do with any type of game, it is that I try to have as much fun as possible. I'm not one to sit there and over analyze everything. I find the game 95% balanced and that is incredible compared to some of the biggest games out there. Riot (even though some people disagree with their changes) does a very good job of keepinh things balanced.

I came from the world of FPS gaming. I never got into DoTA or anything similar. My favorite game to play for a long time was Day of Defeat (DoD for those that know it) and yes I was a stat-*****. Since aging and playing LoL, I have less focus on the stats and more on the objective.

Since I started playing LoL, I kept my "FPS" mentality and went with solely ranged damage, but that isn't true anymore. I play a variety of champions (yet I still have tanked much). I mostly play solo queue (whether it be the occasional ranked or normals). Since the inception of Dominion, I have played less and less of Summoner's Rift. I'm guessing that is because of a lack of time. I would usually play 4-5 games a week, while with Dominion I can push that to 20.

I just like Dominion maybe its because of my FPS roots and the fact that the games were so fast passed or the fact that it is similar to capture the flag (although I do think Riot should have Team Deathmatch map of 7 vs 7 with 4 lane, two 10 minute rounds and the winner is decided by score).

I truly hope you enjoy my guide. This is my first one and I hope that I get a positive feedback. I plan on doing some more of these for other champions. Please give me constructive criticism as I'm not perfect (and no one is).
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Release Notes

Jan 24, 2012 - Vers. 0.1
-guide created
-missing item explaination
-missing strategy/team work.
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Pros / Cons

-Extremely hard to kill 1 on 1
-Health Regen to be jealous of
-good support [help teammates escape]
-reduced CC time

-weak damage output unless Masochism is on or your opponent is brave enough to stand on top of you.
-No CC except for a 2sec 40% slow
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Infected Cleaver
This is pretty much your bread and butter damage ability. Nothing much more to say about this or anything else besides Dr. Mundo's ult.

Burning Agony
This is a pretty useless skill in Dominion. I usually just use it when there are 2 or more people trying to cap a point and occasionally in battle (thanks in part with ).

This ability adds some damage to Dr. Mundo's basic attacks for 10 seconds. At max rank without any damage items it increases his attack power to 210 which is nice.

This makes you pretty much invincible 1 on 1 or even 2 vs 1. It keeps you alive and makes you faster. This coupled with the health regeneration keeps you alive (sometimes just enough to run away).
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Skill Sequence

Max 1st and should be level 2 before anything else is maxed. These are his most important skills in Dominion.
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Summoner Spells

I take Flash and Promote.

Flash for escaping.
Promote to give them something to worry about or to target something other then yourself when escaping. It also helps pushing waves to the turret and helps with captures.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Crashez
Crashez Dr. Mundo Guide
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Dr. DominDo

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