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Gragas Build Guide by stacardi

Middle Drunken rampage gragas

Middle Drunken rampage gragas

Updated on October 1, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author stacardi Build Guide By stacardi 1,453 Views 0 Comments
1,453 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author stacardi Gragas Build Guide By stacardi Updated on October 1, 2012
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when i played my first time LoL i was impressed about how much different champs i could play. i learned to play and mid lane was my favourite lane. i had many IP so i started to look for a mid champ. before i played only with weekly FTP players and sometimes screwed the games up cause i hadnt any champ who i could play nice. Then i found gragas, i played him 1 game and tought THIS IS TOTALLY AWESOME. Hes so pro. thats why i now make my first guide for him
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Gragas Drunken Rampage

gragas is a very very overpowered champ ( if i play he is ) he has all what you need for victory. he has a great healing passive and 3 superb AoE abilitys with massive damage.
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i choose for magic penetration, mana and AP runes. magic penetration cause of massive damage increase. mana cause gragas runs so fast out of mana and AP cause... u know its an AP champ.
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i prefer to play half tanky half AP with Gragas. so thats why i start my build with an catalyst the protector to build an rod of ages. next i buy sorcerers shoes for damage increase with magic pent. then for mana a archangels staff. then ofcourse the rabandons deathcap for maximum AP. next is a Rylais crystal scepter for more Health. and finish of with again a archangels staff for massive increasing AP
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Pros / Cons

  • great farmer
  • OP damage dealer
  • nice healing skill

very thirsty on mana early game
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Summoner Spells

i like to have flash like the most people do.
my second spell is allways clarity. because early game gragas runs out of mana when 4 spells casted. late game i only use it for supporting others
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gragas is easy to farm with. with his AoE damage skills hes a good farmer. try to have 150/200 farm after laning phase around 15/20 minutes. that means 10 minions a minute. u think NO WAY I COULD DO THAT. but it is really easy if your laning opponent doesnt try to get you away from your farm. try to put a barrel between the caster and melee minions and finish them of with ur dash.
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Laning phase

try to push very very hard with damaging opponents and make them recall early. if u have destroyed the first tower of them in 10 minutes ur doing very well. if your opponent stays next to his caster minions try to barrel him and the minions for 2 in 1 bonus :).
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prepare for ganks

if u have a jungler in your team its very easy to get kills/assists. if your lane is pushed and your half life , recall in middle of field. then you cancel it half way. u walk back to your turret and walk to bush next to the middle lane. then if your opponent pushed to your turret you attack both and u have guaranteed a kill/assist
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i hope u enjoyed my first guide ever and give feedback.
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