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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
Jarvan is still relevant!
His early ganks and innate tanky-ness makes him one of the best/ consistent risk free pick in ranked. His crucial combo can turn around teamfights and provide a lot of vital utility for most team-comps out there.
Standard runes really. But can be changed around to cater your playstyle. As a gank heavy champion, especially in season 4 jungling, it is vital for Jarvan to have damage.
*AD Reds
*Armor Yellows
*MR Glyphs
and *MS or *AD/AR Pen Quints
-These rune setup should set up for early clearing and dangerous ganks.
*AD Reds
*Armor Yellows
*MR Glyphs
and *MS or *AD/AR Pen Quints
-These rune setup should set up for early clearing and dangerous ganks.
Tankyness is the bread and butter to Jarvan. Since his base damage is very high he benefits from the AR Pen items. First big item should always be Spirit of the ancient golem, this gives tenacity and a lot of health, this should let you build Ninja Tabi instead of Mercs. 3rd core item is the Black cleaver, EQ combo and cleaver procs = -55% ish armor reduction, your entire team can benefit from this (LW is a selfish item, build it when you can't rely on your team). 4Th core is the Randuins, and 5th is Banshees switch with Thorn-mail if enemy is all AD. 6th item is hydra or GA, depends on how long the game is.
Thornmail really punishes an AD heavy team.
Thornmail really punishes an AD heavy team.
*Innate tankyness
*Team oriented
*Armor Pen for your whole team
*High base damage
*Can fill a very competent Anti-Carry role
*One of the best peelers in game
*Ult can trap the enemy frontline (even backline) from your carries.
*Easy to mess up EQ combo
*Slow champion in general (MS quints helps a lot)
*Novice Jarvan players can kill their allies with his ult ---I'm Jarvan and I'm helping---
*Can get kited is you don't move between AAs
*Innate tankyness
*Team oriented
*Armor Pen for your whole team
*High base damage
*Can fill a very competent Anti-Carry role
*One of the best peelers in game
*Ult can trap the enemy frontline (even backline) from your carries.
*Easy to mess up EQ combo
*Slow champion in general (MS quints helps a lot)
*Novice Jarvan players can kill their allies with his ult ---I'm Jarvan and I'm helping---
*Can get kited is you don't move between AAs
Blue side_
Red -> Wraiths -> Blue -> Gank mid or top.
Purple side_
Blue -> Wolves -> Red -> Gank mid or top.
Try to camp mid if you trust your mid, and try to get mid fed. Don't hesitate to secure kills if necessary, Jarvan can infact become a semi raid-boss late game.
If enemies are pushed far from their tower, walk upto them and apply red and keep AAing, when their burn their flash or blinks, then use your EQ combo. If your allies have high burst, then just engage with EQ.
Champs with blinks, ult 1st, and if they ult their blinks/ flash, follow up with the EQ.
Red -> Wraiths -> Blue -> Gank mid or top.
Purple side_
Blue -> Wolves -> Red -> Gank mid or top.
Try to camp mid if you trust your mid, and try to get mid fed. Don't hesitate to secure kills if necessary, Jarvan can infact become a semi raid-boss late game.
If enemies are pushed far from their tower, walk upto them and apply red and keep AAing, when their burn their flash or blinks, then use your EQ combo. If your allies have high burst, then just engage with EQ.
Champs with blinks, ult 1st, and if they ult their blinks/ flash, follow up with the EQ.
What makes or breaks a Jarvan is his utilization of the EQ combo. if your E landing is far off then DO NOT Q. Cannot stress this enough. A failed EQ combo can throw games, I myself have thrown a few games by failing the crucial EQ combo.
In teamfights start with EQ combo and then look to trap people so they can't reach your carries.
Mid game with your AR Pen items you should easily be able to play an Anti-Carry role. 1 full combo with few AAs can delete squishy carries.
Late game, always look to peel for your own carries.
In teamfights start with EQ combo and then look to trap people so they can't reach your carries.
Mid game with your AR Pen items you should easily be able to play an Anti-Carry role. 1 full combo with few AAs can delete squishy carries.
Late game, always look to peel for your own carries.
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