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Sona Build Guide by Kazzette

Elegance And Grace

Elegance And Grace

Updated on July 28, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kazzette Build Guide By Kazzette 2,622 Views 0 Comments
2,622 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kazzette Sona Build Guide By Kazzette Updated on July 28, 2013
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Welcome to my Sona guide!

Sona is a very bursty support champion. Why play Sona you may ask?

Well take a look at the Pros/Cons and find out!

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Brings Huge Amounts of Survivability

Mana Reliant if Spells are Spammed
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These masteries are self-explanatory, in the defense tree we take 4 points in Durability for needed health and Veteran's Scars will help with our squishiness while Hardiness and Resistance will make us fairly tankier. In the utility tree we will take Meditation for needed mana regeneration, Mastermind will reduce all our summoner spell's cooldowns by 10%. We go deeper in the utility tree and take Greed and Biscuiteer upgraded into Explorer . Wealth will give us extra gold at the start of the game which will allow us to buy more wards and pots plus a Faerie Charm. Intelligence for a whopping 6% cooldown reduction, and last but not least Nimble will give us 10 movement speed.
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Q: Why no Pickpocket ?
A: I don't find it very suitable for Sona to be honest.

Q: Why don't you max Aria of Perseverance instead of Hymn of Valor?
A: As you know, Sona is a very bursty support with her Hymn of Valor and Power Chord combo, this will dish out atleast ΒΌ of her opponent's health.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kazzette
Kazzette Sona Guide
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Elegance And Grace

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