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Vi Build Guide by EQA Neurotoxin

AD Offtank EQA NeuroToxins Adaptable Vi Guide

AD Offtank EQA NeuroToxins Adaptable Vi Guide

Updated on September 14, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EQA Neurotoxin Build Guide By EQA Neurotoxin 1,917 Views 0 Comments
1,917 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author EQA Neurotoxin Vi Build Guide By EQA Neurotoxin Updated on September 14, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Hey its EQA NeuroToxin and im a 1500 elo jungler with a 3.12 kda on vi.

Vi is still a strong jungler with GREAT CC. Shes easy to play and her early ganks are devistating.

Dont play vi if:
1. You cant press r
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Pros / Cons

1. Great easy to use ultimate
2. Scales well
3. Is good early
4. Can do tons of DMG while still being tanky
5. Great and easy ganks, press r = kill

1. Ultimate can be dodged easily with certain skills(Elise rappel, morg shield,liss ult)
2. Dueling is subpar
4. objective control subpar
5. Q can be easily dodged
5. High Cooldowns
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Unique Skills

Flash q is a great tool all game.
Use it!
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Creeping / Jungling

I like starting blue but on vi it dosent really matter but just remember you just wanna focus on ganking early and not farming so get lvl 3 and force ganks every where and dont be afraid to use flash q.
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If your not doing well, dont get tri force just get more tanky. your not helping ur team building one of the most expensive dmg items if your feeding.
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Skill Sequence

Q-E- keep aaing untill they flash or use a escape, then ult.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EQA Neurotoxin
EQA Neurotoxin Vi Guide
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EQA NeuroToxins Adaptable Vi Guide

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